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3 Apprentice


15.3K Posts


October 21st, 2014 09:00

Avast 2015

Looks like avast! has just released avast! 2015 .   They are continuing to use the year for the "version" number (rather than calling it "avast 10" [although internally, it's 10.0.2206]).

I have NOT yet tested this product... we'll see when I get around to it.   Even though this is an "official" release [i.e., no longer in beta], I would suggest people wait a few weeks, until this new product is fully tested (unless you're intentionally "playing with it" on a non-essential "test box", just to see what happens).

Here is the list of major changes/improvements (copied/pasted from )

• HTTPS scanning
Ability to detect and decrypt TLS/SSL protected traffic in the Web-content filtering component. This feature will protect you against viruses coming through HTTPs traffic as well as adding compatibility for SPDY+HTTPS/ HTTP 2.0 traffic. You can tune/disable this feature in the settings section.

• AVAST NG (Next Generation technology)
A hardware based virtualization solution capable of running each Windows process in standalone safe virtualized environment (VM) and fully integrated to your desktop. Each process is executed in its own instance of VM, which means totally isolated from your other applications. This feature is now powering the Avast DeepScreen, resulting in better detection. Avast NG requires HaredWare virtualization enabled.

• SecureDNS (this feature is active in the paid versions only)
A new provider which guards against unprotected DNS/DNS hijack on a router/client (including unsecured networks, public ones, etc.).

• Home Network Security
Scan your home network for vulnerabilities (wifi status, connected devices, router settings, factory passwords, etc.). It helps to discover potential problems not isolated on the particular device only, but in the entire network of devices you use or connect to the Internet from.

• Smart Scan
Integrated all on demand scans into one (Antivirus, Software updates, Home Network, GrimeFighter). One scan, different results and recommendations.

• GrimeFighter Free
GrimeFighter will offer free cleaning of junk files and tuning of system settings. These tasks are performed by our Zilch and Torque minions. Other minion functions remain as paid-for features.

• New Support System
Easy contact for paid users to submit a ticket with all info included automatically. Improved knowledge base for free users. Help is completely online and is more up to date.

• General bugfixing
This covers a lot of stability & performance changes in all components (but the main focus was traditionally on the network & engine components).


It should be possible to install this version on top of your existing avast! installation (all settings should be preserved). Or you can use in-product updater.

But to play it absolutely safe, you should BACKUP your existing settings before installing the new version, so that you'll be able to IMPORT them if needed/desired.

3 Apprentice


15.3K Posts

October 23rd, 2014 10:00

Here's SOME information on the new program:

First, as mentioned above, I'd strongly advocate that existing users of Avast 2014 backup/save/export all their customized settings to have them available, whether you're doing an internal update from 2014 to 2015, or a complete install of 2015 (after which you should be able to import those settings back).   To do so:  Open the Avast interface, click on SETTINGS (in the upper right hand corner), then the Maintenance tab, scroll down to SETTINGS BACKUP, click on Back Up Settings, be sure ALL the boxes are checked, click on Continue, Save the file, and click OK.

The full installer is a 125 MEG download.

When you go to run it, the first screen continues avast's ANNOYING policy of offering pre-checked options to install Google Chrome, make Chrome your default browser, and add Google's Toolbar to your Internet Explorer... if you don't want these, be sure to remove the check marks!

Note the option, above, for a CUSTOM Installation.   Choosing it offers you the following screen listing avast's various tools/modules, from which you may select only those that you actually want:

(The question marks indicate modules available only in the PAID version.)

The TOOLS column (when you scroll down) also offers the new Home Network Security, and NG, modules.


Remark:   This is as far as I've taken things for now... for the time being, I am not prepared to go further.

1K Posts

November 5th, 2014 14:00

Avast is working on a small upgrade for Avast 2015. Already is called SP1 in beta form, and it is build 10.0.2207. It is to adress some bugs and glitches the oficial version has.

* Missing NG component under certain circumstances
* Fixed a bug in the keyboard driver causing problems with keyboards
* Better compatibility of the WebShield with some https pages (e.g. spotify, waze, etc.)
* SecureDNS - better logic of server selection resulting in performance improvements
* Fixed reported crashes

Like ky331 I have not installed Avast 2015 yet. I always wait for this "upgrade" that usually happens a week or so after the oficial release.

3 Apprentice


15.3K Posts

November 7th, 2014 09:00

AVAST 2015 SP1 (service pack1) - build number 10.0.2208 has been officially released.

The changelog is the same as Hernan posted above for beta build x.2207.

(I have NOT yet tested any 2015 version/build...)

3 Apprentice


15.3K Posts

November 9th, 2014 05:00

I've finally decided to give avast 2015 a chance, on my secondary (WinXP) system.

First, I backed-up all my customized settings by opening the Avast User Interface / Settings / General / Settings Backup / Back up settings.

I downloaded Avast 2015 build 2208 from MajorGeeks... I felt more comfortable using their download, than going through Avast itself... which redirects you to CNet [which has a bad reputation for "questionable" installers including extra PUPs] :-(

I then went offline, to run the installer... I didn't want to be online, as I'm not sure how protected I'd be during the installation process.

I made sure to DE-select the two Google/Chrome pre-checked options, and go for a CUSTOM installation.

I DE-selected Secure Line (which, to the best of my understanding, is a PAID service), and Grime Fighter (which I believe is just a bunch of garbage I don't want on my system).   Since this was an XP system, Avast recognized that:  it automatically removed mention/choice of the Avast "Gadget", as well as NG, the "Next-Generation" which requires hardware virtualization that's not part of my ancient XP system.   I  allowed the new Home Network Security... I'm curious to see what, if anything, that will find.

I noted the EULA, and continued with the installation.   An Avast icon appeared on my desktop... and a reboot was required to complete Avast's installation.

I opened avast's User Interface, to RESTORE the customized settings I had previously backed-up.   (I did NOT take time to investigate... it's possible they might have been properly transferred/imported... I just didn't want to risk things).   I rebooted the system to make sure these would be fully acknowledged.

Looking at the tabs on the left, the STATUS tab (from 2014) has been renamed as OVERVIEW (in 2015).   Several other tabs/functions on the left --- as well as under SETTINGS --- were renamed/combined.  

Observation:   The Overview screen contains a "mysterious" new karma link toward the upper-right.   According to a poster in the avast forum:   "This is new in Avast 2015, you collect Karma [rewards] points [and badges] by using features of Avast, [like] installing Mobile security on your Android devices, posting on the forum, &etc.   It's planned that you can get 'swag' with these points, like free licenses maybe, or other stuff". 

I checked out most of the SETTINGS to make sure they were as I wished... including importing all the customized settings from the previous version.   My registration was successfully carried-over as well.

At this point, I allowed the system back online, updated the definitions, and performed a FULL system SCAN.   Surprisingly, this took only 10 1/3 minutes (including [an optional] scan for PUPs):  17.4 Gig of data, consisting of 77,510 files in 4523 directories.   [As expected, no problems were found.]

I then tried the new HOME NETWORK SECURITY scan.   This scanned my Network and Router... very quickly (about half a minute), and pronounced everything secure:   Wireless secure (=encrypted), Router configured correctly, and my devices are NOT visible from the Internet :emotion-1:

By the way, a SMART SCAN (available from the SCAN tab) is a simple way to have avast run all the types of installed scans:   a virus scan, a software-updater scan, AND a home network scan [and Grime Fighter, if that module was installed]; which again showed no problems.

Internet access is working, in IE, FF, PaleMoon & OutLook Express, including access to secure httpS:// sites.

All-in-all, a good experience so far (with the exception of the "karma" nonsense).

Finally, stress again that I have NOT tested avast's NG (Next Generation) hardware virtualization technology, since this feature is not available on XP.   This component seems to be one of the more problematic added to the new 2015 version, so anyone installing/testing it is still on their own.   I intend to wait a while longer before installing avast 2015 on my primary Win7 system.


1K Posts

November 11th, 2014 04:00

I downloaded Avast 2015 build 2028 from MajorGeeks... I felt more comfortable using their download, than going through Avast itself... which redirects you to CNet [which has a bad reputation for "questionable" installers including extra PUPs] :-(

Avast site has its own servers where you can download its AV without using CNet. Note after the first instructions to download the stub installer, at the botton you have a link to download the offline installer.


My experience installing Avast Free 2015 was similar. The only thing I noticed in this version is that the File System Shield is detecting WinPatrol+ doing its things. So every 2 seconds  I have Avast FSS analyzing almost the same files WP does when cheching files in the startup programs or others.

I have to open WP+ and close it again for the continous analysis to stop.

3 Apprentice


15.3K Posts

November 11th, 2014 05:00


I'll have to check on the WinPatrol issue when I'm on my XP system... I didn't notice any obvious slowdown due to excessive avast scanning --- but I didn't have the FSS monitoring page open.

You're saying simply opening and then closing WP stops the issue?   That doesn't make any sense, as WP should continue to do its thing in the background, whether its GUI is open or not.   I would have thought you'd have to add WP to avast's exclusions to get it to bypass monitoring WP.

1K Posts

November 11th, 2014 06:00

The capture above is when I had WP active, and each peak represents almost 30 files that Avast checks everytime WP is checking things out ( Startup programas, etc.. ). I then exit WP and as it can be seen in the picture above no more peaks ( analizing files ). I started WP again and the peaks stopped. Now What I do is to open WP explorer and close it again. It seems to have the same results as exit/restart WP.

Yes, I have excluded WP from Avast FSS, but it is not WP which Avast is checking but the files WP scans.

BTW. What is wrong with the posting of an web address ? I am trying to paste an URL:

and I get this:


Does copy/paste an URL still works ? or do I have to do something else ?

3 Apprentice


15.3K Posts

November 11th, 2014 07:00

I can now confirm a lot of avast File Shield activity (peaks) each time WP does its monitoring (turning yellow).   However, it does this very fast... I can't "sense" it slowing down my system... indeed, if you hadn't pointed this out to me, I never would have noticed.

I tried opening/closing Win Patrol's GUI, and that made no difference on my system.   I did NOT trying exiting WP and then restarting it.   Maybe I'll do so later.

The forum software changed the way it works with links.   When you see that picture, you can RIGHT-click on it, and select "show link only" (or something like that).   A simpler way:   after you copy/paste the link, hit the space bar after it, and the link should "come alive".

1K Posts

November 11th, 2014 14:00

I can now confirm a lot of avast File Shield activity (peaks) each time WP does its monitoring (turning yellow).   However, it does this very fast... I can't "sense" it slowing down my system...

Indeed.. it seems not to hinder any performance because it is fast; However, it takes quite a chunk in the % of the CPU.
Also, it is continously scanning those files and in a matter of minutes you end up with thousands of files anayzed by Avast.

I tried opening/closing Win Patrol's GUI, and that made no difference on my system.   I did NOT trying exiting WP and then restarting it.   Maybe I'll do so later.

Well that works for me. I open WP and click some of its tabs; Active X, Services, Active tasks. Then I close it and no more peaks in Avast.

I can't make it work the URL link thing. Something is not right in my box to reply posts. :emotion-18:

3 Apprentice


15.3K Posts

March 3rd, 2015 04:00

Avast 2015 build number: 2015.10.2.2214  (released 2 March 2015)

What's new:

- Improved Windows 10 Compatibility

- Browser Cleanup integrated to Avast UI and added to Smart Scan

- WebShield improvements for faster browsing and fixed issues with expired certificates

- Avast NG virtualization – performance and stability fixes

- AccessAnywhere feature is removed and replaced with remote connection feature available through Account screen in all editions (not limited to Premier)

- New design of Chrome plugin

- Better license activation during setup


Remark:   As of this posting, I have NOT yet updated avast to this build on any of my systems...

3 Apprentice


15.3K Posts

March 23rd, 2015 11:00

Avast 2015 build number: 2015.10.2.2215 (released 23 March 2015)

Build contains these fixes:
-          Unable to insert Avast SecureLine license
-          Failed to load language dll [1033\UILangRes.dll] error after update
-          Mail Shield blocked Windows Live Mail connection
-          BCU problems with removing addons in silent mode

And some minor internal fixes for BSODs



1) This post is made based on the claim of it being a "finalized" version, as asserted via MajorGeeks.   [The Avast site is still classifying this as a "Release Candidate".]

2) As of this posting, I have NOT yet updated avast to this build on any of my systems...

3 Apprentice


15.3K Posts

April 21st, 2015 19:00

Avast build 2015.10.2.2218 (released 21 April 2015)

What's new:

  • Faster start after reboot - some components are loaded later
  • File System Shield -  solved incompatibility with TrueCrypt
  • File System Shield - exclusions work again
  • Added option to install Skype during Avast installation
  • StreamFilter - Improved compatibility with other AV products


Remark:  As of this posting, I have NOT yet updated avast to this build on any of my systems...

3 Apprentice


15.3K Posts

June 15th, 2015 06:00

I finally updated both my [secondary] WinXP system (which had an earlier build of Avast 2015) as well as my [primary] Win7 system (on which I was still using Avast 2014) to the latest build of Avast 2015.   It's only been a day, but no [obvious] problems (so far).

In fairness (full disclosure), I should point out that I have NOT implemented the "NG" (Next Generation) hardware-based virtualized environment, because my older XP machine doesn't have the hardware to support it, and because I'm still leery about it on my Win7 system --- I've read a lot of stories about problems with it.  

One of the new features of avast 2015 [mentioned at the start of this thread] is "HTTPS scanning - Ability to detect and decrypt TLS/SSL protected traffic in the Web-content filtering component. This feature will protect you against viruses coming through HTTPs traffic".   Basically, avast completely "takes over" the "secure" transmission process, so that it can (decrypt and) analyze it for injected malware.   They claim they doN'T do so over known bank connections, so that users don't have to fear avast reading their personal transactions there.  [For anyone who distrusts avast --- taking on a "Man-in-the-middle" role for secure/https transmissions --- this feature is easily disabled.]   For more information, see

EDIT:   For a counter-argument, see


To quickly summarize which options/modules I personally chose to install (and not):  

I installed the following:  Browser Protection, Software Updater, Remote Assistance, Rescue Disk, Browser Cleanup, and Home Network Security.

I did NOT install:  Secure Line, Grime Fighter, Avast Gadget, nor Secure Virtual Machines (aka "NG")


Browser Protection ("Avast Online Security" plug-in) has been a disappointment for most avast users.   Many claim it does little/nothing in IE... other than perhaps cause IE to crash.   I disabled the IE plug-in long ago (while still using avast 2014), and have not tried it in 2015.   It seems to be working okay in FF --- which is why I chose to include the module --- but at present, it's "unsigned"... meaning it will cease to function effective with the release of FF 41.  Regardless, independent of the "Browser Protection" add-on capabilities, Avast still protects your online activity via its Web Shield.

3 Apprentice


15.3K Posts

July 13th, 2015 08:00

Avast 2015 build 2015.10.3.2223 (released 13 July 2015):

New features and Improvements in Avast 2015 Release 3:

  • Grimefighter is now redone and called Cleanup.
            - runs without need of reboot
            - much faster
            - runs on more devices (better compatibility)
  • Improved Windows 10 compatibility
  • Ability to check compatibility issues with other antivirus software
  • Host-based intrusion prevention system (HIPS): an installed software package which monitors a single host for suspicious activity by analyzing events occurring within that host
  • StreamFilter with HTTPS scanning  is now available also for Windows XP/Vista
  • NG is not using Volume Shadow Copy Service anymore


Remark:  I have NOT yet had a chance to download/try this latest version... and am debating if I will.   As noted above, I believe GrimeFighter is garbage, that HTTPS scanning has a downside (as well as its advertised upside), that NG seems to be problematic... and I have no idea what the new HIPS may potentially conflict with.   So for anyone "upgrading", proceed with caution.

3 Apprentice


15.3K Posts

July 14th, 2015 04:00

Information from the avast forum:

The settings for avast's HIPS can be found under

Settings -> Active Protection -> File System Shield -> Customize -> Sensitivity


RejZoR (one of the avast forum experts) recommends "adjust[ing HIPS] in a way to provide maximum protection with minimal interaction required by the user:   Set it to High[est] Sensitivity, but only to Monitor the system for malware-like behavior [i.e. UNchecking Monitor the system for unauthorized modifications]."


A sample of a HIPS warning screen:

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