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This post is more than 5 years old


May 3rd, 2013 04:00

Fake Adobe Flash player

An Adobe Flash player block popped up on my screen stating I needed to upgrade my adobe flash player to display the content on the page properly. I clicked on it and now it keeps popping up. Along with doing that I have notice that my computer freezes up a lot and the speed of my computer is slower especially on the internet. My thought is I downloaded a virus or malware. The question from here is how do I get rid of it. Any help would greatly be appreciate.



3 Apprentice


20.5K Posts

May 3rd, 2013 07:00

There are a few things you can try:

1. You could run the Adobe Flash Uninstaller.  --

If what you installed was really a Flash update. Following that try reinstalling a clean copy of Flash or wait for an update (probably this month) and at that time reinstall;

Assuming you are using Windows 7 or earlier OS:

For Internet Explorer -

Plugin-based browsers (Firefox etc) -


2. You could run System Restore.

3. If what you installed was malware, try running a scan with each Malwarebytes anti-malware and/or your resident anti-virus scan. Scroll down to the free version here:  We can address that further, so let us know the results.

3 Apprentice


20.5K Posts

May 5th, 2013 20:00

3. If what you installed was malware, try running a scan with each Malwarebytes anti-malware and/or your resident anti-virus scan. Scroll down to the free version here: 
Please post your log from the Malwarebytes scan. You will find it at the Logs tab when you have MBAM open. Thanks.

May 5th, 2013 20:00

I attempted the steps you suggested but no success. I still have the same update popping up as well as random ads on webpages I visit. I check the various website on a different computer and the ads on shows up on my computer.

3 Apprentice


20.5K Posts

May 5th, 2013 20:00

Please download and run as Admin AdwCleaner from here:   

You will be presented with a screen that contains a Search and a Delete button.  Click the Search button. That button will cause AdwCleaner to search your computer for unwanted programs and then display a log showing the various files, folders, and registry entries used by these programs.

  • When the scan completes, it will open a notepad window.
  • Please, copy the content of this file into your next reply.

*To prevent conflicts you may need to temporarily disable your anti-virus before running this.

May 5th, 2013 20:00

The link said I have the latest version of adobe flash player. Below is my log from Malwarebytes:

Malwarebytes Anti-Malware (Trial)

Database version: v2013.05.05.07

Windows 8 x64 NTFS

Internet Explorer 10.0.9200.16540

Miguel :: MIGUEL [administrator]

Protection: Enabled

5/5/2013 6:34:41 PM

mbam-log-2013-05-05 (18-34-41).txt

Scan type: Full scan (C:\|)

Scan options enabled: Memory | Startup | Registry | File System | Heuristics/Extra | Heuristics/Shuriken | PUP | PUM

Scan options disabled: P2P

Objects scanned: 402623

Time elapsed: 1 hour(s), 41 minute(s), 16 second(s)

Memory Processes Detected: 0

(No malicious items detected)

Memory Modules Detected: 0

(No malicious items detected)

Registry Keys Detected: 0

(No malicious items detected)

Registry Values Detected: 0

(No malicious items detected)

Registry Data Items Detected: 0

(No malicious items detected)

Folders Detected: 0

(No malicious items detected)

Files Detected: 0

(No malicious items detected)


There are ads popping up on my webpages. When is the adobe flash player install (a fake), the second is a game where it is trying to get me to squash a roach with a flip flop.

3 Apprentice


20.5K Posts

May 5th, 2013 21:00

You did not mention redirects, so I'm assuming your symptoms are simply the adware pop-ups and the game that you reported.

It appears that you will need to dig a bit deeper to find out what has been installed.  Dell Community Forums no longer do one-on-one malware removal, so we can go only so far here. My suggestion is to post the required DDS logs on the Malware Removal Forum at SpywareHammer and have the staff trained in malware removal walk you through the diagnostic logs and a cleanup. They do not use remote access but will advise you step-by-step on what you can do. Please do not attempt to run any additional scans, install software, or use any other tools until an analyst can advise you on the next step. Please use the same username there as you have here.Help is free, but you will need to register there and follow the posting instructions. Include a link to this topic at Dell in your first post there so your helper at SpywareHammer will not repeat the same scans that you have already done.The instructions will inform you of where to download DDS and how to run a scan to post the output information. Don't forget to check your email and click on the link they send you in order to confirm your registration.

May 5th, 2013 21:00

Below is my Adware Cleaner Log:

# AdwCleaner v2.300 - Logfile created 05/05/2013 at 22:14:40
# Updated 28/04/2013 by Xplode
# Operating system : Windows 8  (64 bits)
# User : Miguel - MIGUEL
# Boot Mode : Normal
# Running from : D:\Computer fix\adwcleaner.exe
# Option [Search]

***** [Services] *****

***** [Files / Folders] *****

***** [Registry] *****

***** [Internet Browsers] *****

-\\ Internet Explorer v10.0.9200.16537

[OK] Registry is clean.

-\\ Google Chrome v26.0.1410.64

File : C:\Users\Miguel\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Preferences

[OK] File is clean.


AdwCleaner[R1].txt - [1181 octets] - [05/05/2013 20:21:57]
AdwCleaner[R2].txt - [1241 octets] - [05/05/2013 20:23:00]
AdwCleaner[R3].txt - [940 octets] - [05/05/2013 22:09:28]
AdwCleaner[R4].txt - [802 octets] - [05/05/2013 22:14:40]
AdwCleaner[S1].txt - [1313 octets] - [05/05/2013 20:23:23]
AdwCleaner[S2].txt - [999 octets] - [05/05/2013 22:09:51]

########## EOF - C:\AdwCleaner[R4].txt - [980 octets] ##########

May 5th, 2013 22:00

OK already done

3 Apprentice


20.5K Posts

May 6th, 2013 06:00

Thank you for letting us know.

If anyone is following this topic,  Malware Removal Staff is currently working with this here:,14363.0.html

3 Apprentice


20.5K Posts

May 13th, 2013 05:00

The issue has been resolved at SpywareHammer, so this thread can be closed.

Everyone else who is having a similar issue, please begin a New Topic at the top of the forum.

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