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This post is more than 5 years old


February 20th, 2007 20:00

Mcafee Slowed Down PC?

Mcafee has just updated to the newest version and everything seems OK apart from the fact that my WORD files on the desktop take an age to open now. I don't understand, I have fast dual core processors and 2GB RAM. Just a couple of days back, they opened so quickly and now I'm waiting, just 15-20 secods, but when you pay for 2gb RAM, it's a lot.
Anybody else have a similar experience?
Could it be something else?
IE is a little slower loading too but not so bad.
Thank you.

Message Edited by The Doktor on 02-20-2007 04:46 PM

18 Posts

February 20th, 2007 21:00

I have another question.
I have just restored my PC and everything went back to functioning well EXCEPT that McAfee is missing Active X and privacy Service 7.1.015.
Does anybody know if I can do a complete reinstall without affecting my subscription? It seems that these are typical Mcafee problems but noone seems to have an answer, least of all McAfee.
thanks again

3.3K Posts

February 21st, 2007 02:00

Are you open to uninstalling McAfee and using any one of the free applications available on the public domain? If so, you can click the "Free Software" sticky link in this forum...the one on the bottom of the list.

Other than that, from what I know of both McAfee and Symantec too by the way, (one is parallel to the other), you will be wrestling with an elephant from time to time. Some folks don't mind...others often just give up and go the other way. I was one.
I had Symantec for a year and even upgraded (fool as I was). I grew SOOO tired of uninstalling and reinstalling at their suggestion...I nearly blew a vein out in my forehead lol.

It's your call.

18 Posts

February 21st, 2007 11:00

Thanks for your reply. The truth is that I have a year of subscription left and until now I really liked Mcafee. Had Norton on last PC and that was just so painful.
I have just spent an hour uninstalling McAfee. It is definitely that slowing my PC down as when uninstalled, or when PC is restored to point before update, everything works perfectly, as it should. Unfortunately, McAfee then just updates itself again and ... well you all know what.
I just have to hope that McAfee come up with a fix or just change to another anti-virus. It is such a shame that people can't leave well alone and have to force their 'changes for the better' down my throat. :smileysad:

85 Posts

February 22nd, 2007 01:00

Is there any way to decline the upgrade? I was hoping to be able to keep the version that I have. I still have until November on my subscription, but if they are forcing the upgrade to the new version, I will be uninstalling. It appears that the forum at McAfee is loaded with comments just like yours. I didn't buy a new computer to just add software to slow it down!

18 Posts

February 22nd, 2007 07:00

Unfortunately, when I reinstalled, hoping to avoid the upgrade, McAfee basically forced me to upgrade. I also have a long subscription.
Despite reading all kinds of problems with the update, the tech service at McAfee's only answer was that it was unusual to experience a slow down. After reading a large amount of complaints, I know this to be false. I also bought a fast computer with 2 gb RAM and am not happy that it has been slowed down by unnecessary program changes. Unfortunately, I think I'll have to change my anti-virus.

85 Posts

February 22nd, 2007 12:00

Thanks for the info. Maybe McAfee tech support should try reading their own boards. It is really irritating when they give you an answer you KNOW is blatantly false. I still haven't received the dreaded notification for an "upgrade". My motto used to be "If it ain't broke; don't fix it" I have now revised that to "If it ain't broke: don't break it". If I can't decline the upgrade - I, too, will be changing.
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