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This post is more than 5 years old


January 19th, 2012 23:00

New Inspiron 15r Already Having Problems!I

So i have the listed above, paid 950 for this thing brand new one month ago. the night of christmas i opened it up went through the start up, desktop came up, registered the mcafee anti-virus. Then decided to check out the video quality on youtube, next thing i know here is this "your computer is being infected" and this "Win 7 Anti virus came up and started scanning my computer for virus's, knowing i had just finished registering mcafee i closed the window. more pop ups, stating infections, and other great things... I knew this was a viral attack on my computer, but how? So, i called the dell support line at 1-877-699-5743 and talked to a tech or who ever they claimed to be, got hung up on three times or disconnected before actually getting someone that knew what they were doing, and what i was having an issue with. the information i gathered off my phone about this virus i asked to tech to get further information about the virus-the so called unrecognised forced windows update that carries a virus. After Telling the tech about the warranty i had purchased and how it was brandnew, he set me up with a system restore that put it back to where it was factory, new. He had set up a connection to my computer taking control of it and went through the entire setup again, after that everything worked fine... until....

   so last week i was on the net and sure enough here is "Win 7 antivirus" poping up and running its scan again, now i thought that by now maybe Mcafee would have had the encription update to recognise the intrusion, i guess i was wrong... So again i closed the window, this time nothing really happened. however i had noticed that i was getting mcafee poping up with the windows firewall turned off, so i  turned it on, it went right back off, so i turned it on again, it went right back off and keep doing so as i would try and confirm the "on" button. i knew my computer was infected. so i called the support tech again, this time they had me do a different restore where i had to back up my files.

  The time before that the tech didnt have me do it that way, so i think the tech made me back up the virus with my files, i just wanted to do what the previous tech had me do, which was take it back showroom or shiping operation, how it was from factory. i have a two  year waranty on this computer. The last tech said that my computer was infected, as in the software not the hardware and that i had to pay some 136 dollar one time removal charge if i didnt want to pay the 250. so the the tech would no longer help me unless i had purchased one year or one time removal. So after all of this i paid over 900 dollars for laptop with a virus from day one. I am very unpleased with microsoft as well as Mcafee, also in the last tech that i had spoke to from dell. i just want my computer back to factory spec, fixed, or the virus removed from my computer. I am a full time student and need this computer everyday.

3 Apprentice


15.3K Posts

January 20th, 2012 05:00

You have at least two options:

1) to "restore" your PC to its original ("out of the box") configuration.   Doing so will result in losing any work you've done on the PC, unless you have these files backed up.   If you wish to pursue this option, let us know, and someone here can tell you how to do so... free (no charges).

2) if you would like to keep the work/files you've added to your system (aside from the malware), you should follow the directions at to register and post the requested logs at ; there are expert helpers there who can "walk you through" procedures to analyze your system, and clean-up the infection (if possible).   All help provided there is FREE.   If you decide to go there, please wait for a response, and do NOT attempt to run any other scans/removers on your own --- do exactly what they instruct you to do, no more, no less.


In either case, what you've learned so far is that having an anti-virus program is NOT sufficient to protect you.   It's not that McAfee is bad... the same "Win7 Antivirus"  would likely have gotten through ANY anti-virus program!   [There's a relevant discussion here that might be of interest to you: ]    You'll likely need additional protection.

One approach would be to download/install a free program such as SANDBOXIE , which creates a "virtual environment" (a "sandbox") in which you can run your programs (such as your internet browser).    IF you get infected again (e.g., by surfing to a video at youtube, which might be where you got the original infection), you can simply "empty the sandbox".   Doing so should discard EVERYTHING done during that sandboxed session, including the virus.   for more information, see

A second approach, involving a modest one-time fee, would be to download/install the paid/professional version of MBAM (MalwareBytes Anti-Malware), and enable its resident protection.    MBAM is intended to complement (run alongside of) an existing anti-virus program.   It focuses on problems (like Win7 Antivirus) that most anti-virus programs don't catch.   While I can't guarantee MBAM will catch "everything", I do believe that, IF any program will catch Win7 AV, it's MBAM.   The people at SpywareHammer can offer you their opinion of this product.

There are some additional steps you can take to help protect your computer [and I'd be happy to mention them --- most are cited in my signature below]... but I believe the two I mentioned above would be the most effective.

IF you decide to pursue help at SpywareHammer, I would WAIT on installing Sandboxie and/or MBAM until after they finish helping you.

Good luck!



3 Apprentice


15.3K Posts

March 3rd, 2012 16:00

In replying again, let me first stress that I am simply a Dell USER --- I do NOT work for them.   Please keep that in mind...

I can almost guarantee you that no virus was "pre-installed" on your computer... rather, it entered your system when you "decided to check out the video quality on youtube".   It's a sad reflection of our society, but some people intentionally upload infected videos, wanting to create havoc for others.

You indicated that after the first infection, Tech Support "set [you] up with a system restore that put it back to where it was factory, new. He had set up a connection to my computer taking control of it and went through the entire setup again, after that everything worked fine... until..."  the same problem returned a few weeks later.  So by your own admission, Dell Tech Support fixed things for you the first time!!! You tempted fate when you "thought that by now maybe Mcafee would have had the encription update to recognise the intrusion, i guess i was wrong...    As I mentioned in my first reply:   "It's not that McAfee is bad... the same "Win7 Antivirus"  would likely have gotten through ANY anti-virus program!"   These "rogue" programs go out-of-their-way to find a way through.  It's not McAfee's fault.   It's not Microsoft's fault.   And it's not Dell's fault.   Believe it or not, Mac's can become infected as well!!!   So "going Mac", in and of itself, is not the answer.

As a consumer, yes, you have the right to contact the BBB and/or other appropriate agencies, if you feel there's a problem.   I concede I am not a lawyer, but based on my understanding of what happened to you... based on my opinion and advice I've offered you here... I don't believe you'd be successful in winning a case against Dell, Microsoft, nor McAfee.   [Yes, you might take some consolation in being slightly successful in attempting to damage their reputations.]   I know you don't want to hear this, but the reality is that you're mistaken to assume that any anti-virus program offers you "complete" protection.   We often say here that the most significant factor in keeping a computer system clean are the actions taken by the person at the keyboard --- you, the user --- who ultimately determine their computer's fate.

I suggested you try [registering for and] seeking help at SpywareHammer?   Did you?   That's still a possibility for you to pursue.  Alternatively, I suggested that someone here (not me) could help you through the process to restore your system back to its "out-of-the-box" configuration [if still possible] --- would you like to consider that?   If you're willing to give SpywareHammer --- or this forum --- a try, you might be impressed by what can be done by your peers --- fellow computer users --- for free.


3 Apprentice


20.5K Posts

March 3rd, 2012 17:00

There isn't much that I can add to ky331's reply. He is 100% on track with his assessment of your situation and options.

I am not employed by Dell or by Microsoft. I am a volunteer on these forums and on many others including HP and Lenovo. Therefore, you can consider me neutral.

If you can provide me with the username that you registered under along with the URL of your post at SpywareHammer, I will see that someone handles your issue as soon as possible to help you clean your malware problem. As ky331 mentioned, the help at SpywareHammer is free. You can be assured that SpywareHammer is not hired by Dell. It is completely independent.

1 Message

May 18th, 2012 17:00

My inspiron 15R has also been jacked up since day one!! what exactly is going on?? i bought this laptop as a reward for myself and it is my designated laptop for school only! (my compaq presario is much tougher, i now realize, than my dell.) two reasons i chose my dell for school only...simply because it'll be brand new(that's #!) and i chose ms office 2010 to be included (and #2) which is required with some of my online courses. currently, my laptop's name is "factory restore four", i'm sure you can guess why. coincidentally,this is also our fourth month together! this is the first time i have searched the dell website for help. i also do not think it's a coincidence that the top troubleshooting items included webcam related, microphone/sound, trend topics, what is the antispyware virus and how do i remove it....WHAT??  hmmm, how odd? it's like they read my mind or something. i exhausted many resources trying to learn about this exact thing. i had given up. i come here and not only find info on this virus but also it affecting somebody with the same new laptop just like me!!! whew, i actually feel a bit better.i'm here just to complain! this problem came installed in this computer, i have no doubt. the evidence, hopefully, will come to light someday. that mcafee "security"  most likely played a crucial role infecting my <ADMIN NOTE: Profanity removed as per TOU> , but the one thing i don't understand is why is this the only other incident like mine? i don't scour over forums,chats and blogs, but i have wasted QUITE alot of time searching for answers.i haven't began contacting dell for help because i'm not up for the run around and follow up that will be required of me once i start. things like this always make me so (insert "eff word" in bold, please) angry because i hate when big companies blatantly do business in bad faith especially when that business was with me! 

3 Apprentice


20.5K Posts

May 18th, 2012 18:00

Hi kimArrr,

I too am a Dell customer and am sorry to hear about your problem. Unfortunately you did not include enough specifics about your problem. As you can imagine, every system is configured differently, so we would need more information from you.  You say that you have a "virus"? You have not included your symptoms, operating system, or what troubleshooting measures you have already tried, so like a doctor, I would need more information in order to serve you better.

I would suggest that if you do not want to use your Dell warranty support, you have a trained analyst walk you through running some scans step-by-step that would help discern exactly what the problems are and advise on how to correct them. They do not work for Dell and are completely independent. Help is free, but you must register and post the required DDS logs on the Malware Removal Forum at SpywareHammer to have the staff trained in malware removal walk you through the diagnostic logs and a cleanup. Please do not attempt to run any additional scans, install software, or use any other tools until an analyst can advise you on the next step. If you use the same username there as you have here, I'll link your topic to this one and I can ask one of the trained analysts there to handle your post as soon as possible. Help is free, but you will need to register there and follow the posting instructions. If the problem turns out to be hardware rather than a virus as you have sugested, there is also a tech staff available that can address your hardware problems as well. Should it turn out to be something that needs to be handled by your hardware warranty with Dell, they will advise, and will have a Dell Liaison get in touch with you.

3 Posts

May 19th, 2012 21:00

1_B_A_Dell not so BA

3 Posts

May 19th, 2012 21:00

one thing i would like to know, why is spyware hammer dealing with dells/microsofts problem. why cant dell and microsoft manup to this issue, afterall it is there product, even though it has components from different companies, its still there issue. If the people at spyware hammer can fix these issues than why hasent there been a nation wide fix for these issues. i know that new software can have their faults but they shouldnt release it because they want job security. they should release it because it works. still havent used spyware hammer, probly wont unless they have a contact number, i wont have another person linked in to my computer. i also like how the last windows update that downloaded screwed up my wifi and took me two days of tearing into the system to find out the update messed up windows bypass ability around the routers security pin (wouldnt recieve ip adress from router) Windows seven has its ups, has more downs. id hate to be those people that are getting windows 8...

3 Apprentice


20.5K Posts

May 20th, 2012 06:00

Hello, again,

I'll try to answer your questions:

i would like to know, why is spyware hammer dealing with dells/microsofts problem.
SpywareHammer helps owners of all brands. There is no Mac forum at SpywareHammer (yet), but considering all the latest Mac malware, there may be Mac forums at SH in the future.

why cant dell and microsoft manup to this issue, afterall it is there product, even though it has components from different companies, its still there issue.If the people at spyware hammer can fix these issues than why hasent there been a nation wide fix for these issues.
I'm not sure what "issue" you are referring to. Microsoft sends out updates monthly to deal with its products. Other than that, each system is configured differently. That is why when it comes to software, no one has exactly the same problem as another person that can be corrected in exactly the same way.

still havent used spyware hammer, probly wont unless they have a contact number, i wont have another person linked in to my computer.
SpywareHammer does online support and does not link to your computer. The trained helpers on staff work with its registered members via online forums such as this.
i also like how the last windows update that downloaded screwed up my wifi and took me two days of tearing into the system to find out the update messed up windows bypass ability around the routers security pin (wouldnt recieve ip adress from router)
Millions of other PC owners had no problem with the latest Windows Update. If you have a problem with a Windows Update on your system, you would need to contact Microsoft so they can look into why it happened to you, and help you fix the problem.

I hope this helps you and others who have the same questions..



3 Apprentice


15.3K Posts

May 20th, 2012 07:00

"why is spyware hammer dealing with dells/microsofts problem. why cant dell and microsoft manup to this issue, afterall it is there product..."

No, rogue programs such as "Win7 antivirus" are NEITHER Dell's NOR Microsoft's problem.   Dell has provided you with hardware, Microsoft has provided you with the Operating System.   If  there is any corporate "responsibility" here --- and I'm NOT saying there is ---  it might be with the anti-virus companies:   for as I stated above, "Win7 Antivirus"  would likely have gotten through ANY anti-virus program! :emotion-7:

Most rogue programs get through via help by the user.   For example, if you go to an infected site (looks like you got your infection while on YouTube):   1) YOU chose to go to that site --- do you accept any responsibility yourself for your choice?  Or do you blame YouTube for not checking things out, to be sure each video uploaded there is really safe?  2) Once there, there was probably something to click-on... such as a message that you needed to install/update some plug-in in order to see the video.   THAT's how rogues typically get through:   By the user [admittedly UNknowingly] visiting an infected site, and more likely than not, clicking on something there which allowed the infection to download/install.   That's why anti-virus programs don't catch it... because the user was tricked into giving permission, and the A-V accepts the user's decision.

As an analogy, you buy a new car, with brand new tires.   You decide to drive over a bed of nails, bursting your tires.   Neither the car company nor tire manufacturer is responsible for your unsafe action, no matter how much you would like to blame them.

What you need (extending the analogy) are "puncture-resistant tires".   I stand by the two suggestions I offered above:   you should learn to do your browsing in a sandbox, and/or purchase/install/run MBAM PRO.   You can further harden your system's protection by using OpenDNS' Family Shield, and WOT (set to block) to help filter-out many of the bad websites.   While nothing is a 100% guarantee, this combination should serve you [and others] well.   [Note:   MBAM PRO is paid... everything else I recommend is completely free.]

"If the people at spyware hammer can fix these issues than why hasent there been a nation wide fix for these issues".   The people [VOLUNTEERS] at SpywareHammer offer customized one-on-one analysis of each individual's system, after helping you run diagnostics logs, to determine exactly what's lurking on your system, and how best to remove it.   There is no universal (one-size-fits-all) solution.

The only way the rogue problem will disappear is if all the bad guys decide to give up their hacking.   Again, by analogy, dumping toxic waste is illegal.   But some companies and/or their truckers still do so, because it's more profitable than hauling away the stuff to distant disposal sites.   It shouldn't be done... it's not legal... nonetheless, it's a sad fact of life that such abuse continues to happen.

still havent used spyware hammer, probly wont unless they have a contact number, i wont have another person linked in to my computer.   SpywareHammer does NOT take remote-control of your computer at any time.   Rather, they initially ask you to run a preliminary diagnostic scan, and post your results.   Based on what they see, they will then offer you help... telling you which additional programs/diagnostics you should download and run.   Sometimes, it can be a simple matter to remove things... other times, the session can continue back-and-forth, between you and your SpywareHammer volunteer, for days or weeks until the matter is finally resolved.   They won't give up, as long as you're willing to continue.   YOU run the programs on your system, not them.   It's all under your control.   If you decide not to follow them, or give up the attempt, it's your choice. 

By the way, there are other reputable online help-sites beside SpywareHammer.   We choose to mention it because we are familiar with the superb staff who volunteer there.   If you would prefer to seek help at an alternative site, that's certainly your prerogative.

And yes, even Windows Updates can mess up a system.   It's rare, but happens.   When you happen to be the victim, I realize the rarity of the issue is no consolation :emotion-6:.

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