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3 Apprentice


15.3K Posts


February 21st, 2017 04:00

Updates 2/21/17 - Pale Moon, MSRT, Flash for Win8.1/10

Pale Moon: 27.1.1 (2017-02-21)

This is a stability and bugfix update to the browser.


  • Implemented a fix in media handling to prevent crashes with concurrent videos and/or rapidly starting/stopping video playback in the browser.
  • Fixed the way the Adobe Flash plugin is detected to prevent confusion with other plugins that identify themselves as "Flash" (e.g. VLC).
  • Windows: Solved stability issues caused by the release build process, resulting in unexpected behavior (e.g. hangups).


Update via the internal Updater:   Help / About Pale Moon ; or full downloads:

32-bit version

x64-bit version

2 Intern


2.2K Posts

February 21st, 2017 09:00

OK to install it over older version?

3 Apprentice


15.3K Posts

February 21st, 2017 09:00

You can simply use the internal updater, which automatically installs the new version over the existing version;

or you can download the full installer, and [if memory serves me] when asked, select UPDATE the existing version.

3 Apprentice


15.3K Posts

February 21st, 2017 15:00

Flash (ActiveX) for IE/Edge in Win8.1/10 has been updated to 24.0.0. 221, via Microsoft Update:
Microsoft Security Bulletin MS17-005 -  Security Update for Adobe Flash Player (KB4010250)  

3 Apprentice


15.3K Posts

February 21st, 2017 15:00

WARNING:  The link for this separate download of the MSRT is now pre-checking a box to also download "MSN default homepage & Bing default search engine".    Be sure to uncheck this, unless you really want it!
Malicious Software Removal Tool (MSRT, MRT) for February, version 5. 45
Reminder:   Users who are paranoid about the remote possibility of a FP can opt to run this tool from a Command Prompt, appending a   /N   parameter [for "detect only" mode].
This month's MSRT adds detection/removal of Win32/Chuckenit - a "threat [which] unchecks checkboxes in installation dialogue boxes, effectively messing with choices without your knowledge during installation". 

3 Apprentice


15.3K Posts

February 23rd, 2017 15:00

2 Intern


2.2K Posts

February 26th, 2017 12:00

When will I ever learn that if it's working OK, leave it alone!

Decided to let PaleMoon update to 27.1.1 

Thne found I could not pull up the MSN page, and clicking on the Pale Moon icon get the message that it couldn't find something or was not compatible with something.So rather than uninstall it I attempted to do a System Restore.

Midway through the SR, I got a BSOD. Since there is was nothing to push I had to do a hard shutdown. Neeless to say the system was not happy when I got my Desktop back up. Couldn't get PM to uninstall, and had trouble with getting MSN to come up as well and ended up getting another BSOD, which necessitated another hard shutdown. Something about "pacer.sys " not starting.

Firing it up again, the system gently and patiently asked me if a I wanted to do a System Repair, to whcih I agreed. Now almost every thing works, I can even get YouTube with IE9, and can pull the websites that are important to me. Not able to pull up online radio, that only worked with with Pale Moon.

So, I still have the above version. Pressing on the icon gives an error message of

"Couln't load XPCOM  Will uninstall BM tomorrow and just try to go with FireFox. Wish me luck!

3 Apprentice


15.3K Posts

February 26th, 2017 14:00


Sorry to hear about your problems.   I've updated PaleMoon on two systems (7, 8.1) with no adverse reaction.   The fact that System Restore balked for you --- in addition to PM itself --- makes me wonder if something else is going on (interfering) with your system.

2 Intern


2.2K Posts

February 27th, 2017 06:00

Chapter 2 on the above problem.

The system offered to UNDO the not completed System Restore from yesterday. Forgot to mention that yesterday's restore only offered me older dates, when I just wanted to go back a few days. The UNDO started but gave me a BSOD concerning something called "bad pool header". Hard shut down again, but got everything up and running.

The problem now is uninstalling Pale Moon 27.1.1. Going to Programs and Features and pressing its icon results in no action. I want to get rid of it and just install Firefox instead, so I need to find some way to uninstall it and start over. Can't find anything in Window Task Manager processes or services...or in Win Patrol to disable or stop. Do you know of any programs that are available that will do the deletion job?

3 Apprentice


15.3K Posts

February 27th, 2017 06:00

I know there are some programs, such as REVO Uninstaller, that can sometimes uninstall programs that have given users problems... but I don't have any details/experience to offer you.   Perhaps someone else here can offer some advice? 

But a more basic question:   why not just install firefox (and leave PaleMoon alone)... unless your registry has been corrupted, having an "extra" program (palemoon) "hanging around" should not hurt anything.

2 Intern


2.2K Posts

February 27th, 2017 08:00

I got to thinking the same thing...since Pale Moon was not my default browser, and it seems so well hidden and can't be stopped or disabled. I've been waiting to try Firefox and see if it performs better, displays all my bookmarks, etc. So...will attempt to install FF and set it up and see what happens.

10 Elder


44.4K Posts

February 27th, 2017 10:00

I use the FREE version of Revo Uninstaller and it does a pretty good job, but only if it can find the files that contain the info about how whatever program was originally installed so Revo knows what to look for.

Suggest you run the diagnostics on your HDD before going any further. Assuming it passes the diagnostics, then run chkdsk to clean up any lost fragments and files and to lock out any bad sectors.

Revo sets a system restore point before it does anything else. But since your SR seem to be failing, you probably want to delete all existing restore points first. Open the SR screen in Windows and turn it off for all drives and reboot. Then go back to the SR screen and re-enable it on C: and manually set a Restore point.

Then you can try Revo. After setting a new Restore point, Revo usually launches whatever program's own uninstaller and when that's done, Revo cleans up any leftover files, folders and registry entries.

I'd back up personal files on external media and do all the above before installing anything new which might make things even worse. :emotion-5:

3 Apprentice


15.3K Posts

February 27th, 2017 10:00


Just a quick remark about Ron's suggestion... if you think something is really wrong with your computer --- be it malware or defective hardware --- you might want to get some definitive analysis first, before removing all your system restore points.   I know that most of the malware removal experts would prefer to have (even a "corrupt") system restore point available [for emergency] than none at all.   If SR is indeed "failing", that needs to be diagnosed first.  

I would simply install firefox, see how your system is working, and then, get the appropriate help (malware removal, hardware adjustments) as needed.

2 Intern


2.2K Posts

February 27th, 2017 14:00

Thanks guys, for the excellent adivice. I got it downloaded and it installed without a error messages...and can even get my online radio, which my regular radio can't pick up. . I'll have to explore the various options.

After looking further I found the "Most Visited" option. My bookmarks don't appear, but it looks like there is an "Import" option that I will need to activate manually. Not sure which option to choose..."Import Book Marks from HTML, or "Import Data from Another Browser"

3 Apprentice


15.3K Posts

February 27th, 2017 15:00

If you have all (or at least, most) of your bookmarks in another browser (e.g., IE), you should be able to import them into FF (from IE).

If your bookmarks are in Palemoon, you can see if FF will let you import those... but keep in mind, if PM is somehow corrupted, it might generate a problem when trying to import its bookmarks.

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