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This post is more than 5 years old


November 2nd, 2005 21:00

mcafee security suite issue

i need help with my mcafee security.  this has been going on for a few weeks now.  i have unistalled and reinstalled mcafee security suite 7 several times which i am unable to get it to work.  my account with mcafee is up to date when i check in my account online with mcafee, since i bought the cd mcafee security suite 7 through dell less then a month ago.  i have also tried to manually uninstall through my registry editor via mcafee's help website.  below i have listed the errors i am recieving when i first log on to my computer.  please help.
"some components of Activesheild are either missing or might not have been installed properly.  Please reinstall Activesheild.  If you have started your computer in safe mode, please restart your computer in normal mode to enable Mcafee Virus Scan."
++i am not running in safe mode, and all that i have installed successfully is mcafee firewall.
"Some components of Mcafee security Center are either missing or may not have been installed properly.  Please reinstall Mcafee security center."
please help.

November 4th, 2005 01:00


Message Edited by carolina_kanga on 11-03-2005 09:42 PM

November 4th, 2005 01:00

i dont have any answers.  but i have been having the same problem with the mcafee virus scanner v.10 for about 2wks now also.

20 Posts

November 10th, 2005 14:00

check mcafee' website for details to remove Mcafee manually at

on dells website do a search for uninstall mcafee privacy service/firewall and it will give you some instructions to remove Mcafee off from your system if automatic fails


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