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This post is more than 5 years old


November 2nd, 2005 14:00

"myway" is this spyware?

i have been having problems connecting to the internet....keeps telling my my IP address is not recognized..IP address starting with 169.254..I ran spyware and came up with infected file "myway"...could this be causing my problem of being unable to get to the internet?

173 Posts

November 2nd, 2005 15:00


3 Apprentice


15.3K Posts

November 2nd, 2005 15:00

depending on what version of myway you have, and how you got it, there is some controversy, as some versions came pre-installed by DELL.  see here:
if you decide to remove it, see here:
[be advised that several people have commented that these removal instructions have not worked... or not worked "completely"... for them ]

3 Posts

November 2nd, 2005 15:00

can you tell me how I remove it? and how did I get it?

3 Posts

November 2nd, 2005 16:00

okay, I will try these suggestions when I get home tonight. Do you have ay other suggestions as to how I may check for other spyware if I cannot connect to the internet? I am assuming this is the only problem cause "myway" was the only thing that came up on my last spy scan last week when I still had access to the internet and all this started.

3 Apprentice


15.3K Posts

November 2nd, 2005 16:00

MyWay, in and of itself, should not be "severing" your internet connection... there has to be something else, be it hardware or software, if you can't connect to the internet any more.  
for software analysis:
Preliminary note:  When attempting the following directions, if you can't access the internet or perform the indicated download of HiJackThis (HJT) on your "infected" machine, you should download it onto another "good" machine (one at work?), then transfer it via floppy (it's a tiny file) to the infected machine, run the UNZipped/.EXE file on the infected machine, and finally transfer the generated log via floppy over to the good machine, to post your log online.
Download the latest version of HJT(hijackthis) (version 1.99.1) from

you must create a separate folder and place it there.... people commonly use C:\HJT.   Note:  Please do *NOT* use a TEMP (temporary) folder, *NOR* your DESKTOP, as HJT will be generating log files and backup files in the folder from which it is run... you risk accidentally losing these if you use a TEMP folder, and you will generate extreme clutter if you use your DESKTOP.

The file above comes as a compressed .ZIP file... you have to UNzip it (hopefully, you have an UNzip utility built into your Windows Explorer.   If for any reason, you're unable to UNzip it, you can download the already-unzipped .EXE file from )

After Unzipping, double click on HiJackThis.EXE

Click on  Do a System Scan and Save a LogFile

This will automatically open NotePad

Copy the entire file from NotePad:  EDIT/SelectAll, EDIT/Copy

Then go to the new forum dedicated for HiJack This logs (**NOT** back here), and  PASTE the results there:

Be sure to include a detailed description of any problems/errors/warnings you are encountering.

Hopefully, one of the HJT experts will get to it as quickly as possible.


WARNING:  HiJack This is a VERY POWERFUL tool.  Do *NOT* do anything else (in particular, do NOT use it to delete any entries) until you are advised to do so!!   Improper use of this tool can severely damage your system.
Supplemental note:  The procedure as worded above has been carefully edited over time, so as to expedite the process of helping people.   Nevertheless, it seems that many individuals try to be "creative", and make some variations.  It really would be to your benefit if you follow these directions EXACTLY as stated... because certain changes on your part can result in slowing-down the help process. 
Specifically, the following are 3 very common BAD deviations which will cause delays:
a)  BAD:  using an older/outdated version of HiJackThis...
The experts only work with the current version.   So if you make a post with an older version, you'll simply be advised to get the latest version, re-run it, and re-post your log.
b) BADusing a TEMP directory or your DESKTOP for HJT....
Some experts may insist you move HJT before they'll begin working with you.   Others will start the repair process, advising you to move HJT as one of the very first steps.   Failure to do so can result in losing potentially critical information.   So please,  just use the suggested  C:\HJT  directory, rather than try to be creative.
c) BAD:  posting your log in the wrong forum...
if you post your log back here, in the Virus/SpyWare forum, it will "sit idly", either until the forum moderator gets around to move it for you... or until you decide to repost your log...  in the HiJackThis forum.
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