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January 31st, 2021 02:00

PowerFlex Prometheus exporter


I'm running PowerFlex 3.5.1 (SDS version). I was wondering if there is a way to export metrics to Prometheus (metrics like IOPs, bandwidth, number of SDS' and SDC's etc).

I saw there are some open-source projects in github but they don't seem to be very maintained.

I guess I can write one myself for my own needs but does anyone know of a good solution to monitor PowerFlex with Prom + Grafana.


4 Posts

February 10th, 2021 09:00


Just tested this today on my environment. Looks great!

I still wish it was Prometheus and not InfluxDB but it's still a very good solution I'm not sure all the users are aware of. There needs to be some kind of implementation inside the product.

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