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June 11th, 2005 05:00

AOL keeps restarting with Internet Access, even tho blocked by McAfee

Config: Win XP with SP2 and McAfee, pre-installed by Dell, latest Windows Update patches

AOL came pre-installed by Dell.

I do not use AOL. I did not ask for AOL.

The McAfee Firewall Application List shows several AOL tasks with FULL Internet Access, able to accept incoming connections.
"America On Line"
"AOl Connectivity Service"
"AOl Connectivity Service Installation Helper"
"AOL Top Speed"
"AOL Tray Icon"

As a general principle, I do not want tasks that I do not use to have Internet access, especially unsolicited incoming. Why should I incurr potential vulnerabilities for no benefit?

When I use McAfee to block Internet Access from the AOL tasks, after the next reboot they all came baaaack again. And again and again not matter what I tried.

Tried the Programs / Startup menu, no AOL tasks are listed.

Tried to disable the AOL programs by renaming the directory
C:\program files\america online 9.0
but it was rejected, saying it was in use by a program.
(clearly not one I wanted)

Tried running AOL, looked for a menu Preferences entry for Startup. Did not find any.

Tried running msc, listed the sofware Services.
Changed the "AOL Connectivity Service" to startup type "disabled".
There are no other services listed with AOL in their name.

Tried running RegEdit, there are many symbols with AOL in their name. Am reluctant to use RegEdit to delete symbols because I do not know what side effects there may be.

Considered the brute force method of uninstalling AOL via the Control Panel.
Would prefer not to go that route, in case I am forced to use AOL in the future.
However, uninstallation seems to be the only remaining alternative.

It appears Dell permitted AOL to bury their hooks into the system, in the belief that it is their system. Foolishly I believe it is supposed to run __my__ programs.

How do I disable the AOL tasks from starting up at every reboot?

Can I just delete all the AOL entries in the Registry?

63 Posts

June 11th, 2005 08:00

one of the first tasks I performed when my system arrived from Dell was to "brute force" uninstall

AOL, MSN and every other pre-installed internet service.  I suffered no ill effects.  If you are forced

to use AOL in the future, that would be a sad state of affairs but I'm sure you would have no problem

getting it back onto you machine.  Another nice program for cleaning up the mess in your registry

after uninstall is JV 16 power tools 1.4.1.  However, like most registry cleaners, it can be risky.  I

have only used the "safe to remove" selections and have experienced good luck to date.  I have had

a similar type of problem with Quicktime on my machine where after I use a link that runs a QT clip,

I find it loaded in my system tray after each and every reboot.  The only way to get rid of it is to go

through control panel and remove.  It, however, gives me the option of a partial uninstall or full

uninstall.  The partial takes care of the problem.  Maybe this will be the case for you as well.

4 Operator


34.2K Posts

June 11th, 2005 10:00

Simply go to Control Panel, Add/Remove Programs, and uninstall AOL. One more thing to check, go to Control Panel, Internet Options, Connections tab, if AOL is listed under dial-up connections, click it to highlight and select Remove.

My experience with Dell is that they do not install AOL as a startup program, so I suspect you may have done this inadevertantly.

11 Posts

June 14th, 2005 11:00

see below, ultimately was able to remove AOL from restarting at every reboot.


Osprey and bogeymangjct, thank you both for your quick and relevant responses.

re: Control Panel, Internet Options, Connections tab, ...
A good thought.
however there was no dialup modules, so no AOL Connection to disable.



Tried using Control Panel / Add-remove software, remove "America Online"
It checked the disk for AOL versions, then announced ....
Uninstall America Online has encountered a problem and
needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.
It then generated a popup to send an Error report to Microsoft.
The AOL software was left on my system. Surprise surprise.

Used Control Panel to Add-remove "AOL Connection Services".
It worked.

Repeated control panel / add-remove of America Online. Failed again.

Used Control Panel to Add-remove "AOL Coach version 1.0".
It worked.

Repeated control panel / add-remove of America Online. Failed again.

Used McAfee Personal Firewall, Internet Application List
manually "blocked access" to ....
"America On Line"
"AOL Top Speed"
"AOL Tray Icon"

Rebooted system.

Checked AOL internet access.
3 out of 4 are baaaack again, with FULL internet access.
(the 4th exception is AOL Top Speed which remained blocked).

Used McAfee Personal Firewall, Internet Application List
"deleted application rule"s for ....
"America On Line"
"AOL Top Speed"
"AOL Tray Icon"

Rebooted system.

They're baaaack again.
Used McAfee Personal Firewall, Internet Application List
lists "FULL Internet Access" for ....
"America On Line"
"AOL Tray Icon"

Used a brute force approach ....
Renamed the directory "Program Files \ America Online 9.0" to a temporary random name, "AOL Disabled".
The idea is that any hooks that reference absolute filenames during Startup
will not find their software and thus be blocked.
This step was not accepted by the system the first time I tried it (see above), but it did work now.
This is a good sign that at least some AOL software that was running is now stopped.

Rebooted system.

Used McAfee Personal Firewall, Internet Application List
No AOL tasks are listed.
My system is still otherwise Ok.



In my opinion, AOL exhibits rude and uncivil behavior to bury their hooks into my system, and prevent the documented and official preferred (and obvious methods) to block them at startup or to remove their software.

In my opinion, Dell must surely know about this behavior and choses to ignore misbegotten policies that would not be acceptable in a smaller software vendor.

McAfee Firewall should block AOL when so requested.
It is a design flaw / serious omission that they did not do so.

AOL's rude behavior is self defeating, because the only alternative they left was to delete their software from my system, which raises a barrier before it can be used again even if it is wanted at some time in the future.

4 Operator


34.2K Posts

June 14th, 2005 16:00

Believe me, it's equally aggravating for people who want to use AOL. I went through a similar procedure trying to get AOL 9.0 to work together with McAfee on my daughter's 3000. I ended up uninstalling both, reinstalling AOL 9.0 SE, then reinstalling McAfee.

Since I'm only paying $5 per month, I don't mind too much. Wife and daughter must have their AOL.

1.2K Posts

June 15th, 2005 01:00

How do you manage to have AOL at only $5/month?


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