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This post is more than 5 years old


January 12th, 2008 01:00

Blue Screen when plugging in USB floppy drive

Hi all,
   I have an Inspiron 9300 running XP Pro SP2.  When I plug in a USB external floppy drive, I get the blue screen of death.  I get STOP(not in the name of Love): 0x0000007E(0xC0000005, 0xBA440A05, 0xBA51384C, 0xBA513548)  USBSTOR.SYS Address 0xBA440A05 Base at 0xBA440000, Datestamp 41107d6c.
   If searched the net and found several others have had this problem, but no one has ever posted a solution, except maybe in chinese.  There was one person in this forum that had the problem back in 2004, but again, no solution posted.
Any and all help will be greatly appreciated!

12.7K Posts

January 12th, 2008 03:00

You might see if there is a newer chipset driver available to install.

12.7K Posts

January 12th, 2008 03:00

Does it work on other PC's?

7 Posts

January 12th, 2008 03:00

Yep, runs fine on an HP Pavillion a1730n running Vista.  It used to run on my laptop, maybe 18-24 months ago.  I have two units, and they both do exactly the same thing.  I've tried different USB ports, but same result.  Don't know if it worked after migrating to SP2, as it's been a long time.

7 Posts

January 12th, 2008 03:00

been there, done that!  No effect

12.7K Posts

January 12th, 2008 04:00

The only thing I can think of is to analyze the minidump file the bsod created, maybe get some insight there.
I assume it is a fully  patched PC, using Wupdates

12.7K Posts

January 12th, 2008 17:00

It did not reveal any new info, :smileysad:
USBSTOR.sys caused the error.
If there are any other usb devices connected to that PC other than keyboard and mouse, unplug them, see if the floppy will play nice.
There are known issues with some Inspirons not supplying the needed voltage for some usb devices, causing errors.
The Dell knowledge base article FA1021802 is gone, but google has many references to it.

Message Edited by mombodog on 01-12-2008 01:46 PM

7 Posts

January 12th, 2008 17:00

Here are the loaded modules(pt1):
start    end        module name
804d7000 806cd580   nt       # (pdb symbols)          c:\symbols\ntkrnlpa.pdb\F612363DB38C423CB08559DDBCA9F2F71\ntkrnlpa.pdb
806ce000 806ee380   hal        (deferred)            
ada65000 ada8f180   kmixer     (deferred)            
adea0000 adeb5b80   ewusbmdm   (deferred)            
ae1c4000 ae1c7800   asyncmac   (deferred)            
ae574000 ae5b4280   HTTP       (deferred)            
ae735000 ae73d080   ipfltdrv   (deferred)            
ae9d1000 ae9d3c80   sfloppy    (deferred)            
aea05000 aea07f00   Sydexfdd T (no symbols)          
aeab9000 aeabbe40   mdmxsdk    (deferred)            
aeadd000 aeaf8f20   naiavf5x   (deferred)            
aec11000 aec62480   srv        (deferred)            
aec9d000 aecc9400   mrxdav     (deferred)            
aeed8000 aeeec400   wdmaud     (deferred)            
aeef5000 aeef7d00   wntpport   (deferred)            
aeef9000 aeefcd40   trysftnt   (deferred)            
af1e9000 af1ec280   ndisuio    (deferred)            
af2d5000 af2ed8c0   tfsnudfa   (deferred)            
af2ee000 af306160   tfsnudf    (deferred)            
af307000 af31c200   tfsnifs    (deferred)            
af31d000 af31f8c0   s24trans   (deferred)            
af321000 af324ba0   AegisP     (deferred)            
af391000 af394b40   tfsnopio   (deferred)            
af395000 af3a3d80   sysaudio   (deferred)            
b045d000 b0474480   dump_atapi   (deferred)            
b049d000 b04bdf00   ipnat      (deferred)            
b04be000 b052ca00   mrxsmb     (deferred)            
b052d000 b0557a00   rdbss      (deferred)            
b0558000 b0579d00   afd        (deferred)            
b057a000 b05a1c00   netbt      (deferred)            
b05a2000 b05b5b00   MpFirewall   (deferred)            
b05b6000 b060dd80   tcpip      (deferred)            
b060e000 b0620400   ipsec      (deferred)            
b06a9000 b06ab900   Dxapi      (deferred)            
b86d9000 b86dbf80   mouhid     (deferred)            
b86dd000 b86e0a00   kbdhid     (deferred)            
b86e1000 b86e3580   hidusb     (deferred)            
b86e5000 b86e8b00   usbscan    (deferred)            
b8701000 b8759e80   update     (deferred)            
b875a000 b878a100   rdpdr      (deferred)            
b879b000 b879ef00   APPDRV     (deferred)            
b87b3000 b87c3e00   psched     (deferred)            
b87c4000 b87da680   ndiswan    (deferred)            
b87db000 b8818000   iwca       (deferred)            
b8818000 b8831c00   Apfiltr    (deferred)            
b8832000 b8854680   ks         (deferred)            
b8855000 b8878980   portcls    (deferred)            
b8879000 b88bba00   STAC97     (deferred)            
b88bc000 b8bcbd00   w29n51     (deferred)            
b8bcc000 b8bdc800   sdbus      (deferred)            
b8bdd000 b8bffe80   USBPORT    (deferred)            
b8c00000 b8c13780   VIDEOPRT   (deferred)            
b8c14000 b8cf3000   ati2mtag   (deferred)            
b8d13000 b8d21100   usbhub     (deferred)            
b8d43000 b8d4c480   NDProxy    (deferred)            
b8d53000 b8d5cf00   termdd     (deferred)            
b8d63000 b8d6b900   msgpc      (deferred)            
b8d73000 b8d7ed00   raspptp    (deferred)            
b8d83000 b8d8d200   raspppoe   (deferred)            
b9544000 b954d560   drvnddm    (deferred)            
b9554000 b955c700   wanarp     (deferred)            
b9574000 b957c880   Fips       (deferred)            
b9594000 b959c700   netbios    (deferred)            
b95a4000 b95b0880   rasl2tp    (deferred)            
b95b4000 b95c2080   redbook    (deferred)            
b95c4000 b95d0180   cdrom      (deferred)            
b95d4000 b95de380   imapi      (deferred)            
b9c54000 b9c56580   ndistapi   (deferred)            
b9c5c000 b9c5e880   iviaspi    (deferred)            
b9c7d000 b9c80700   CmBatt     (deferred)            
b9c81000 b9c83280   rasacd     (deferred)            
b9cbd000 b9ccbb80   drmk       (deferred)            
b9ccd000 b9cd7f80   bcm4sbxp   (deferred)            
b9cdd000 b9ce5d00   intelppm   (deferred)            
b9d5d000 b9d77580   Mup        (deferred)            
b9d78000 b9da4a80   NDIS       (deferred)            
b9da5000 b9e31400   Ntfs       (deferred)            
b9e32000 b9e48780   KSecDD     (deferred)            
b9e49000 b9e5dd60   drvmcdb    (deferred)            
b9e5e000 b9e6ff00   sr         (deferred)            
b9e70000 b9e8f780   fltMgr     (deferred)            
b9e90000 b9ebbd80   dac2w2k    (deferred)            
b9ebc000 b9ed4e00   adpu160m   (deferred)            
b9ed5000 b9eec480   atapi      (deferred)            
b9eed000 b9f04800   SCSIPORT   (deferred)            
b9f05000 b9f2a700   dmio       (deferred)            
b9f2b000 b9f49880   ftdisk     (deferred)            
b9f4a000 b9f67480   pcmcia     (deferred)            
b9f68000 b9f78a80   pci        (deferred)            
b9f79000 b9fa6d80   ACPI       (deferred)            
ba0a8000 ba0b0c00   isapnp     (deferred)            
ba0b8000 ba0c2500   MountMgr   (deferred)            
ba0c8000 ba0d4c80   VolSnap    (deferred)            
ba0d8000 ba0e3000   iviVD      (deferred)            
ba0e8000 ba0f5e80   aic78xx    (deferred)            
ba0f8000 ba100180   ql10wnt    (deferred)            
ba108000 ba111e00   ql1240     (deferred)            
ba118000 ba125780   aic78u2    (deferred)            
ba128000 ba130f80   ultra      (deferred)            
ba138000 ba141d80   ql1080     (deferred)            
ba148000 ba153f80   ql1280     (deferred)            
ba158000 ba163100   ql12160    (deferred)            
ba168000 ba170e00   disk       (deferred)            
ba178000 ba184200   CLASSPNP   (deferred)            
ba188000 ba192080   sisagp     (deferred)            
ba198000 ba1a2500   viaagp     (deferred)            
ba1a8000 ba1b6e80   ohci1394   (deferred)            
ba1b8000 ba1c5000   1394BUS    (deferred)            
ba1c8000 ba1d2580   agp440     (deferred)            
ba1d8000 ba1e2700   alim1541   (deferred)            
ba1e8000 ba1f2800   amdagp     (deferred)            
ba1f8000 ba202f80   agpCPQ     (deferred)            
ba218000 ba224e00   i8042prt   (deferred)            
ba238000 ba247900   Cdfs       (deferred)            

7 Posts

January 12th, 2008 17:00

Here it is:

Microsoft (R) Windows Debugger Version 6.8.0004.0 X86
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Loading Dump File [c:\windows\minidump\mini010608-01.dmp]
Mini Kernel Dump File: Only registers and stack trace are available
Symbol search path is: srv*c:\symbols*
Executable search path is: c:\windows\i386
Windows XP Kernel Version 2600 (Service Pack 2) UP Free x86 compatible
Product: WinNt, suite: TerminalServer SingleUserTS
Built by: 2600.xpsp_sp2_gdr.070227-2254
Kernel base = 0x804d7000 PsLoadedModuleList = 0x805533a0
Debug session time: Sun Jan  6 15:42:27.390 2008 (GMT+12)
System Uptime: 0 days 0:38:14.978
Loading Kernel Symbols
Loading User Symbols
Loading unloaded module list
*                                                                             *
*                        Bugcheck Analysis                                    *
*                                                                             *
Use !analyze -v to get detailed debugging information.
BugCheck 1000007E, {c0000005, ba4a0a05, ba52384c, ba523548}
*** WARNING: Unable to verify timestamp for Sydexfdd.sys
*** ERROR: Module load completed but symbols could not be loaded for Sydexfdd.sys

Probably caused by : USBSTOR.SYS ( USBSTOR!USBSTOR_Scsi+1f )
Followup: MachineOwner
kd> !analyze -v
*                                                                             *
*                        Bugcheck Analysis                                    *
*                                                                             *
This is a very common bugcheck.  Usually the exception address pinpoints
the driver/function that caused the problem.  Always note this address
as well as the link date of the driver/image that contains this address.
Some common problems are exception code 0x80000003.  This means a hard
coded breakpoint or assertion was hit, but this system was booted
/NODEBUG.  This is not supposed to happen as developers should never have
hardcoded breakpoints in retail code, but ...
If this happens, make sure a debugger gets connected, and the
system is booted /DEBUG.  This will let us see why this breakpoint is
Arg1: c0000005, The exception code that was not handled
Arg2: ba4a0a05, The address that the exception occurred at
Arg3: ba52384c, Exception Record Address
Arg4: ba523548, Context Record Address
Debugging Details:

EXCEPTION_CODE: (NTSTATUS) 0xc0000005 - The instruction at "0x%08lx" referenced memory at "0x%08lx". The memory could not be "%s".
ba4a0a05 0fb64602        movzx   eax,byte ptr [esi+2]
EXCEPTION_RECORD:  ba52384c -- (.exr 0xffffffffba52384c)
ExceptionAddress: ba4a0a05 (USBSTOR!USBSTOR_Scsi+0x0000001f)
   ExceptionCode: c0000005 (Access violation)
  ExceptionFlags: 00000000
NumberParameters: 2
   Parameter[0]: 00000000
   Parameter[1]: 00000002
Attempt to read from address 00000002
CONTEXT:  ba523548 -- (.cxr 0xffffffffba523548)
eax=0000000f ebx=890624f0 ecx=8984eea0 edx=890623f0 esi=00000000 edi=8984ef58
eip=ba4a0a05 esp=ba523914 ebp=ba523920 iopl=0         nv up ei pl zr na pe nc
cs=0008  ss=0010  ds=0023  es=0023  fs=0030  gs=0000             efl=00010246
ba4a0a05 0fb64602        movzx   eax,byte ptr [esi+2]       ds:0023:00000002=??
Resetting default scope
ERROR_CODE: (NTSTATUS) 0xc0000005 - The instruction at "0x%08lx" referenced memory at "0x%08lx". The memory could not be "%s".
READ_ADDRESS:  00000002
LAST_CONTROL_TRANSFER:  from 804edfe3 to ba4a0a05
ba523920 804edfe3 8984eea0 890623f0 00000000 USBSTOR!USBSTOR_Scsi+0x1f
ba523930 aea073c4 88fcd54c 00000000 8a040d00 nt!IopfCallDriver+0x31
WARNING: Stack unwind information not available. Following frames may be wrong.
ba523958 aea058f1 8a3d0d40 00070c0b ba523978 Sydexfdd+0x23c4
ba5239fc aea05837 8a3d0c88 88fcd3e8 88fcd578 Sydexfdd+0x8f1
ba523a28 804edfe3 8a3d0c88 88fcd3e8 ba523aa4 Sydexfdd+0x837
ba523a38 80587021 ba523aa4 8984eea0 00000000 nt!IopfCallDriver+0x31
80535230 565308ec 8bfc5557 458b0c5d 0440f708 nt!IopSynchronousCall+0xb7
80535240 00000000 00ab850f 45890000 10458bf8 0x565308ec

ba4a0a05 0fb64602        movzx   eax,byte ptr [esi+2]
FOLLOWUP_NAME:  MachineOwner
STACK_COMMAND:  .cxr 0xffffffffba523548 ; kb
Followup: MachineOwner

7 Posts

January 12th, 2008 17:00

modules pt 2.  This 2000 character limit is a pain.
ba258000 ba2607e0   tfsncofs   (deferred)            
ba268000 ba270d80   HIDCLASS   (deferred)            
ba278000 ba284660   HPZid412   (deferred)            
ba328000 ba32e200   PCIIDEX    (deferred)            
ba330000 ba334900   PartMgr    (deferred)            
ba338000 ba33ca80   sparrow    (deferred)            
ba340000 ba346780   asc        (deferred)            
ba348000 ba34c380   mraid35x   (deferred)            
ba350000 ba354880   i2omp      (deferred)            
ba358000 ba35ff80   symc8xx    (deferred)            
ba360000 ba366ee0   sym_hi     (deferred)            
ba368000 ba36f7e0   sym_u3     (deferred)            
ba370000 ba375c00   ABP480N5   (deferred)            
ba378000 ba37d780   asc3350p   (deferred)            
ba380000 ba384ee0   dpti2o     (deferred)            
ba388000 ba38eaa0   perc2      (deferred)            
ba390000 ba396560   hpn        (deferred)            
ba398000 ba39cde0   PxHelp20   (deferred)            
ba3c0000 ba3c64e0   tfsnboio   (deferred)            
ba3d0000 ba3d5000   usbuhci    (deferred)            
ba3d8000 ba3de800   usbehci    (deferred)            
ba3e0000 ba3e5a00   mouclass   (deferred)            
ba3e8000 ba3ee000   kbdclass   (deferred)            
ba3f0000 ba3f4880   TDI        (deferred)            
ba3f8000 ba3fc580   ptilink    (deferred)            
ba400000 ba404080   raspti     (deferred)            
ba408000 ba40d020   wanatw4    (deferred)            
ba410000 ba4142c0   omci       (deferred)            
ba430000 ba435bc0   ssrtln     (deferred)            
ba438000 ba43e180   HIDPARSE   (deferred)            
ba440000 ba447b80   usbccgp    (deferred)            
ba448000 ba44d200   vga        (deferred)            
ba450000 ba454a80   Msfs       (deferred)            
ba458000 ba45f880   Npfs       (deferred)            
ba480000 ba486500   usbprint   (deferred)            
ba488000 ba48d2e0   HPZius12   (deferred)            
ba490000 ba494500   watchdog   (deferred)            
ba498000 ba49f580   Modem      (deferred)            
ba4a0000 ba4a6780   USBSTOR    (pdb symbols)          c:\symbols\usbstor.pdb\7AE970CEEAA5461EABC8D5E755668F9C1\usbstor.pdb
ba4b8000 ba4bb000   BOOTVID    (deferred)            
ba4bc000 ba4be480   compbatt   (deferred)            
ba4c0000 ba4c3700   BATTC      (deferred)            
ba4c4000 ba4c7a80   cpqarray   (deferred)            
ba4c8000 ba4cb200   aha154x    (deferred)            
ba4cc000 ba4cff80   symc810    (deferred)            
ba4d0000 ba4d3980   dac960nt   (deferred)            
ba4d4000 ba4d6f00   amsint     (deferred)            
ba4d8000 ba4dba00   asc3550    (deferred)            
ba4dc000 ba4dfe80   ini910u    (deferred)            
ba4e0000 ba4e3680   cbidf2k    (deferred)            
ba568000 ba56bc80   mssmbios   (deferred)            
ba578000 ba57bf60   HPZipr12   (deferred)            
ba5a8000 ba5a9b80   kdcom      (deferred)            
ba5aa000 ba5ab100   WMILIB     (deferred)            
ba5ac000 ba5ada00   cmdide     (deferred)            
ba5ae000 ba5af580   intelide   (deferred)            
ba5b0000 ba5b1380   toside     (deferred)            
ba5b2000 ba5b3500   viaide     (deferred)            
ba5b4000 ba5b5480   aliide     (deferred)            
ba5b6000 ba5b7e00   cd20xrnt   (deferred)            
ba5b8000 ba5b9580   perc2hib   (deferred)            
ba5f6000 ba5f7200   ElbyDelay   (deferred)            
ba5f8000 ba5f95c0   sscdbhk5   (deferred)            
ba5fa000 ba5fb100   swenum     (deferred)            
ba5fc000 ba5fd280   USBD       (deferred)            
ba602000 ba604000   i2omgmt    (deferred)            
ba608000 ba609f00   Fs_Rec     (deferred)            
ba60a000 ba60b080   Beep       (deferred)            
ba60e000 ba60f900   splitter   (deferred)            
ba614000 ba615080   mnmdd      (deferred)            
ba616000 ba617080   RDPCDD     (deferred)            
ba618000 ba619280   DSproct    (deferred)            
ba61c000 ba61df80   ElbyCDIO   (deferred)            
ba630000 ba631100   dump_WMILIB   (deferred)            
ba652000 ba653d40   ASCTRM     (deferred)            
ba654000 ba655500   dsunidrv   (deferred)            
ba66e000 ba66f8a0   tfsnpool   (deferred)            
ba670000 ba670d00   pciide     (deferred)            
ba6c1000 ba6c1d00   dxgthk     (deferred)            
ba785000 ba785b80   Null       (deferred)            
ba799000 ba799c00   audstub    (deferred)            
ba7fa000 ba7fa880   tfsndres   (deferred)            
ba7fb000 ba7fbfe0   tfsndrct   (deferred)            
bf000000 bf011580   dxg        (deferred)            
bf012000 bf04c000   ati2dvag   (deferred)            
bf04c000 bf088000   ati2cqag   (deferred)            
bf088000 bf2ae6e0   ati3duag   (deferred)            
bf2af000 bf324a80   ativvaxx   (deferred)            
bf800000 bf9c2180   win32k     (deferred)            
bffa0000 bffe5c00   ATMFD      (deferred)            
Unloaded modules:
b9c89000 b9c8d000   serenum.sys
b8d03000 b8d0e000   ser2pl.sys
adeb6000 adee1000   kmixer.sys
b0659000 b0661000   Modem.SYS
adecb000 adee1000   ewusbmdm.sys
adeb6000 adee1000   kmixer.sys
adeb6000 adee1000   kmixer.sys
adfa9000 adfd4000   kmixer.sys
ba705000 ba706000   drmkaud.sys
aee8a000 aeeb5000   kmixer.sys
af185000 af192000   DMusic.sys
b9584000 b9592000   swmidi.sys
aeeb5000 aeed8000   aec.sys
ba620000 ba622000   splitter.sys
aec8b000 aec9d000   SENTINEL.SYS
b9584000 b9594000   serial.sys
b9c85000 b9c89000   kbdhid.sys
ba428000 ba42d000   Cdaudio.SYS

7 Posts

January 12th, 2008 18:00

Well, I can live with running it from the Pavillion, not great, but a workable solution.  Follow up question, can this power issue also affect the CD/DVD writer.  I got an error the other day trying to write to a DVD-RW of a power calibration failure.  I also seam to be able to read one full DVD, then I have to wait a day before I can read another at full speed.
I'm also looking for a way to transfer a file down a serial line with no header info.  I figured I could do a dos copy to COMn:, but don't know if I'd get the filename in a header.  WHat do you think?

10 Elder


44.3K Posts

January 12th, 2008 20:00

Check to see if Dell released or updated the Laptop System Software for your model. That's frequently where Dell fixes their 'oops' with USB floppy and optial drives. Start here and look under Utilities for your model:


3 Posts

February 24th, 2008 17:00

I have had the same problem, with no resolve.  I had a DOS based program (point of sale) that required a floppy for back-up.  Works for a minute, then a sharp beep, and no power.  Great!  This and some other USB issues are leading towards a new laptop.


Just thought I would let you know your pain was shared.

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