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This post is more than 5 years old


January 6th, 2007 13:00

FILE_SYSTEM; STOP:0x22(0x000202, 0x81890E20, 0x81890D68, 0xFF34AA48) ERROR

I installed a cross-over cable peer-to-peer network. About a week later the above error message appeared and I could not bootup Windows until I did a System Restore in Safe Mode. No other hardware or software changes were made. About 2 - 4 days later the error message appears again and another System Restore is required.
Can someone please provide step by step instructions to clear this error?
Thank you very much for your assistance.

12.7K Posts

January 6th, 2007 14:00

I would do a chkdsk, following the instructions here

22 Posts

January 15th, 2007 19:00

I did a "chkdsk /r" and that process ran without any glitches. At the end Windows XP reported: "volume clean", which I interpreted that the hard drive was error free. This was completed on 1-10-2007.
However, on Friday, 1-12-2007, late afternoon, the 0x22 error message again appeared on the monitor and a System Restore was required to get Windows running in the normal mode.
Device manager reports the harddrive operating correctly.
Does anyone know a procedure that for sure corrects this condition and eradicates the "file_system 0x22" error message? Thanking you in advance for your help!

12.7K Posts

January 15th, 2007 20:00

You could have a hard drive that is failing slowly with bad sectors, I suggest you back up anything you cannot afford to lose.
You can run Dell diagnostics on that hard drive After backing up.    here under diagnostic utilities. there are two choices, one that runs from floppy or one that runs in windows, floppy is suggested, and run the extended diagnostics on that drive.

Message Edited by mombodog on 01-15-200704:14 PM

22 Posts

January 20th, 2007 23:00

Mombodog; Thank you very very much for your help. I have a couple of questions and some additional info. My hard drive os a Western Digital, 40 GB, 7200 rpm unit, Dell installed. As mentioned in my first post this hdd is NTFS formatted and as a result my diskette drive (A:) is not recognized. I can only use CDs and DVDs to boot from.
My Bios is A09 version.
Which of the diagnostics should I use?   CD110910.exe (Floppy)
                                                           CDD1109.exe (Hard Drive)
                                                           CZ110900.exe (Hard Drive)
I can get to a C:\ by using "cmd" in Run.
Again Thank You for your help!

12.7K Posts

January 21st, 2007 00:00

You may have trouble with booting from the A drive if it is not first in the boot order in the bios, to work around this, put the floppy you made in the A drive and shut down windows, restart the PC, start tapping F12 until you see the dell logo screen and the F2-F12 can bee seen at the top right of the logo screen. This will give you a boot device selection screen, select A drive or floppy. Now it will boot to the Floppy disk you made.

Diskette creation using CDD1109.exe

Download file CDD1109.EXE to a new folder on your system.

1. Click the "Download now" link.
2. If the Export Compliance Disclaimer window appears, please read the
agreement, and then click Yes, I Accept this Agreement.
3. When the File Download window appears, click Save this program to disk
and click OK.
4. The Save As window appears.
5. From the Save In drop-down menu, click to select one of your hard drive
6. Click on the Create New Folder icon.
7. Rename the new folder as DD1109, and press Enter.
8. Click on the Open button in the Save As window.
9. Click the Save button to save file CDD1109.exe in the new folder DD1109.
10. The file will download to this folder.
11. If a Download Complete window appears, click Close.

Diskette Creation

1. From My Computer, or Explorer select the folder DD1109 and double-click
the icon for CDD1109.
2. An MS-DOS window appears with a message indicating the options
3. Use option 1 to create bootable diskettes.
3. Press the [1] key. A message appears prompting you to insert a blank
diskette. Insert a diskette into the drive.
4. Press the [ENTER] key. A message appears indicating how many diskettes
will be needed.
5. The files are copied to the diskette. Once the files have been copied
to the diskette a message appears prompting you to insert the next
6. Repeat steps 4 - 5 until you reach the end of the diskette set. Label
each diskette with a disk number starting from 1.
7. After all the files have been copied to the last diskette, press the
[ENTER] key and the MS-DOS window closes.

Running the Diagnostics

1. Insert the first diskette of the set into your diskette drive.
2. Click Start, click Shutdown, click Restart, and then click OK to reboot
your system.
3. Follow the on-screen instructions.
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