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This post is more than 5 years old


November 24th, 2005 07:00

Ghost - spanned files issue

Hi there,

I have an issue regarding ghost CE I hope some of you might be able to help me out with.


- One OS backed up using Ghost.
- Image size is over 2GB so it is necessary to split it.
- It ends up being two files A.GHO (2GB) and A001.GHS (450MB)

When I attempt to load the Image to a client PC from a ghostcast server it loads completely without asking the attendant to point to the .GHS file. That is good!

However, when the two files are burned to a bootable Ghost DVD and the same process is attempted it asks the user to input the filename for the .GHS file.

While this is not a show stopper it is a major inconvenience when an end user is loading their PC. It makes the instructions a little more complex than we would like. Is there a switch I a missing or forgetting so that it will load the complete image from both the .GHO file and the .GHS file without prompting the user select the .GHS file part way through?

409 Posts

November 25th, 2005 17:00

For an unknown reason(s) I have always had span problems (using CDRs) with Ghost if I used any Dell supplied CD-RW - not so using Plextor. My solution has been to create and use separate partitions for the Ghost images. Then from the second partition I can burn CDs and/or DVDs which are not bootable, but which nevertheless can be downloaded back to the second partition and will restore from there.
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