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This post is more than 5 years old


September 16th, 2006 11:00

McAfee Error Message- trying to uninstall

I'm trying to uninstall McAfee.  When I go to the control panel to uninstall the program, I get this message. "The uninstallation cannot continue because MCAfee HLML dialog componet was not found on the computer".
Can someone please help?
Thank You

549 Posts

September 16th, 2006 21:00

You can try this   or this

Another way to get rid of Mcafee.  This from  Dell Moderator-Chris M
* Power the system off
* Power the system on
* At the blue Dell, tap F8 to bring up the Windows boot menu
* Scroll to and select Safe Mode [Press the Enter Key]
* Select the first or only operating system [Press the Enter Key]
* Click Start- Control Panel- Add or Remove Programs
* Double-click the Add or Remove Programs icon
* Click Remove a program
* Click the McAfee application you want removed (if it isn't listed, close the Control Panel and skip to number 3)
* Click the Change/Remove button
* The InstallShield Wizard dialog box, select the Remove check box
* Click Next
* If you get a window for "Remove Share Component", click "Yes to All"
* If you get a window for "Remove Share File", click "Yes to All"
* Click Yes
* When finished, close all boxes
* Do NOT restart the computer when asked
* Click Start- Find or Search- Files or Folders
* "Look In" should say Local Hard Drives
* Type McAfee [press Enter]
* Delete any/all found, close all boxes when finished
* Click Start- Run
* Type regedit [press Enter]
* Highlight My Computer
* Click Edit- Find
* Type McAfee [press Enter]
* Delete any/all found, press F3 to continue searching. Delete any/all found
* Close all boxes when finished
* Click Start- Turn Off Computer- Restart

It's gone.






Message Edited by chasbox on 09-16-2006 06:13 PM

No Events found!
