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This post is more than 5 years old


February 11th, 2007 19:00

McAfee Security Center Firewall and XP Firewall

I have the latest version of McAfee Security Center with its own Firewall. What is the proper way to use XP Firewall, ON or OFF in conjunction with McAfee?

28K Posts

February 11th, 2007 20:00

Turn off the XP firewall or you are bound to have problems.  You should never have two firewalls running at the same time.  You will confuse Windows.

4 Posts

February 12th, 2007 08:00

Many thanks Steve for your reply, I had suspected as such and had already turned off XP Firewall. But as McAfee Security Center had not prompted a recommendation, or indeed switched off XP I wanted to get a definite answer.
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