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This post is more than 5 years old


April 6th, 2005 20:00

McAfee mcupdate.exe every 5 minutes??

How can I stop mcupdate.exe from running every 5 minutes? It seems  to create a new entry in the scheduled tasks folder  upon each reboot. I don't want or need this junk trying to phone home every 5 minutes looking for god knows what. I prefer to manually update the program (A/V  version 9 ).What I have tried so far is setting it for manual updates, deleting the scheduled (not by me) task in task manager, and unchecking the entry in msconfig/startup. Each time I reboot it infests my machine with this same task. The mcafee is a dell oem with 15 months of included updates and is properly registered. I use zone alarm as my firewall and would prefer to stop this nonsense properly and not have to just deny it  internet access since the process will always be running (denied) in the background.

April 6th, 2005 21:00

samsung21:  This happens if you are using AOL with IPC, (internet parental control.  Mcafee recommends accessing this feature and deleting it.  Check this page. 
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