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This post is more than 5 years old


February 19th, 2012 14:00

Microsoft Home and Office 64 bit on Dell Inspiron 580

  • Problems:
  • 1.  Windows "Office" has stopped working.  This means such things as "My documents" things with endings such as .doc, .tax (especially important right now.  When I click on a Microsoft Office document, Microsoft says "Windows Office 2010 has stopped working.  Windows is checking for a solution to the problem."  I've found problem goes back months, so I doubt this.


  • Computer will not boot from Dell screen to Windows.  I am not shutting down computer anymore because F12 diagnostics finds nothing.  I just leave computer in sleep mode.
  • I have 730 error and warning ID's which when clicked on lead to no information.
  • I have run every computer trouble shooter, virus scanner, and  Spybot, ARO, CCleaner.  I went to McAffee and then their "Go to Assist" on line.  They found no strange viruses like Trojen, etc.  They refund your money if they don't find a virus.

I really do not want to do an uninstall/reinstall because I have done that two times on this two year old computer.  Also the backup disc given me does not work and Dell had to do the reinstall for me last time.  I wish I could do a System Restore, but I think the problems go back to June.  I've been laid up and only using genealogy software, Email and internet.







9 Legend


33.3K Posts

February 20th, 2012 03:00

Computer will not boot from Dell screen to Windows.  I am not shutting down computer anymore because F12 diagnostics finds nothing.  I just leave computer in sleep mode

If the computer will not boot from Dell screen to Windows, how are you getting Windows to start?

Office problems are software and not hardware (this forum section).  Also as all the hardware diagnostics pass and do not find anything that also suggests software (operating system) problems. 

14 Posts

February 20th, 2012 05:00

Since you mentioned that those files are important to you. You can view those using a free ware. One example is Openoffice where it is free to download and most of all, it can read .doc files. Once installed, right click on the specific document file, select open with, then choose the Openoffice reader.

You can probably do that while checking out options with your MS office.

2 Posts

February 20th, 2012 07:00

Fireberd, I get my computer to boot up by checking all the questions on F12, running diagnostics even though it finds nothing, then checking exit and it boots up to Windows for some mysterious reason.  All this takes time, of course and I know it hasn't solved any problem.

9 Legend


33.3K Posts

February 20th, 2012 10:00

It soundfs like the boot order is wrong in the BIOS.  At power on press F2 to enter the Setup.  Look at the boot order and change it if needed so your hard drive is the first boot device and see if that corrects the boot problem.

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