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This post is more than 5 years old


February 16th, 2010 13:00

Put my user Account picture back

When I installed control point software, (with fingerprint reader) it seems to have removed by user account picture from the windows welcome screen and replaced it with the DELL logo.

How can I put my account picture back on the welcome/login screen.

I did a quick search on my hard drive looking for the DELL logo as a bmp or jpg but couldn't find anything.

Windows 7 64 bit.

Dell precision m6400.


4 Posts

August 14th, 2011 11:00

Is anyone listening on this forum??  Could you please answer the question posted above?

I am also facing the same issue. After installing Dell Control Point software with fingerprint reader, it replaced my user account picture with DELL logo.

I am using Windows 7 - 64bit / Dell Latitude E6400.

9 Legend


30.3K Posts

August 14th, 2011 13:00



Did you try...


Start, control panel, user accounts, then change you picture there?




9 Legend


16.3K Posts

August 14th, 2011 15:00

That post was from a year and a half ago ... I would suggest just skipping the impatience and asking us your question.  We are not Dell, but we are users, happy to help where we can.  Pudgy outlined how the User Account picture can be changed ... if you need more help, I can help you find the location of the User Account pictures so you can get it back to what you want.

4 Posts

August 15th, 2011 01:00

PudgyOne, yes I tried that. It changed the user picture on start menu but it wasn't able to change the user picture on welcome screen. The welcome screen still has the big DELL logo on the square box.

theflash1932, please do not take this as personal comment. I expect Dell people to answer each question posted by a user on this forum. And since this question is an year old doesnt make them less responsible. But still I apologize if my tone was harsh.

9 Legend


16.3K Posts

August 15th, 2011 08:00

I didn't mean to slam your tone either ... just realize that this is not an "official" avenue of support for Dell.  Only recently have Dell employees been posting on threads, presumably as part of their job (but maybe they too are volunteers), but I've seen it primarily in the Server section, rather than the Desktop/Laptop sections.  As it stands, if you expect Dell to respond to a problem, you must use an official channel of support ... phone, email, or chat, as listed on the Support page.

If it is the Welcome screen you are talking about, there is no built-in setting to change this.  You need third-party software to do this (like WinBubbles or WindowsCustomize), OR you need to set it manually:

First, you need to set the following registry key (or create it if it does not already exist):
HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Authentication\LogonUI\Background\OEMBackground (1)

Second, you need to put your JPG background that you want on the Welcome/Login screen in the following directory (you must create it if it does not already exist):

Your picture must:
- Be named "defaultBackground.jpg" (You can add more for different specific screen resolutions, but you shouldn't need it for your home system(s).)
- Be less than 256KB (maybe fully decompressed, as my experience says it must be less than 230KB)

4 Posts

August 20th, 2011 09:00

Finally found the answer here:

I followed the listed steps and was able to change the logon picture. :)

4 Posts

August 20th, 2011 09:00

Finally found the answer here:

I followed the listed steps and was able to change the logon picture. :)

No Events found!
