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This post is more than 5 years old



October 4th, 2007 23:00

Stuck in Windows xp welcome screen!

Please help. I am basically a beginner. I have a dell and have windows xp. I am stuck on the welcome screen and I dont want to have to reinstall windows as I have some important pictures and things in my documents I have not saved and just cant lose. Can anyone help me to solve this problem? Please
thank you to any who respond

112 Posts

October 5th, 2007 02:00

what you want to try to do first is run a quick hard drive test. when you turn the computer on start tapping the F12 key. I don't know if this is a notebook or desktop but you should see something in that menu that says hard drive diagnostics, or ide diagnostics, diagnostics. Something along those lines. Run that and look for drive 0 when it finishes. Does it pass or fail???
If it passes then restart computer and start tapping F8 immediately afterwards to get to the advanced options menu. Try last known good configuration...if that doesn't work then do the same F8 menu and boot to safe mode.
Try those steps and see what happens.
You'd be surprised to see how much info you can find from I.E. guides for removing/installing parts, drivers, manuals for all specification needs, KB articles, etc. So before you post try searching the site to find the answer you are looking for.

2 Posts

October 5th, 2007 10:00

Thank you very much for responding. I have a desktop Dell dimension 4500 running windows xp.
I have already done the F8 going to Last known configuration with nothing changing and ran in safe mode again coming right back to the welcome screen. Just not sure what else to do. But thanks for responding and trying to help
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