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This post is more than 5 years old


October 27th, 2009 09:00

When will Dell start shipping Windows 7 upgrade discs?


Please could someone from Dell tell us when they will be shipping the Windows 7 upgrade discs to those who have registered for and ordered the upgrade?

Like many others, I have registered, ordered and paid for my 'free' upgrade but my order status is blank with no indication of a shipping date. I don't want to give Customer Services a hard time but it really would seem sensible if Dell updated the Win7 FAQ with projected shipping dates.

Thanks for your time


59 Posts

October 27th, 2009 09:00

See the "Should I Call Dell" thread.

10 Posts

October 28th, 2009 10:00

Now I am really not impressed :emotion-6:

My shipping date has just been updated........ to the 23rd of NOVEMBER!

That is plain ridiculous, a month just to ship a DVD and then have the nerve to charge me £15 for the 'free' uipgrade.

And absolutely nothing from Dell, no emails and no meaningful updates on their own FAQ or these forums.

Very unhappy


10 Posts

October 28th, 2009 11:00

I am in the same boat as you Val.

I registered a few weeks ago, and put my order in on the morning of the 22nd October. I paid my €17.40 + €2.60 tax (robbers), and got confirmation and my order number (DELLW7U000******).

I have not received an estimated date of shipping email, as per Dell's Website. When I login, all the parts about shipping are blank. I have used the 'contact' form, and the semi automatic reply states I should login to account to get the details, even though my query was that it was blank.

Proceeded to ring Dell (2 hour call); and after getting cut-off twice and being transferred from one department to the next 5 times; I got customer care. The lovely lady was very helpful in as far as she found my order on her system. She was unable to get an estimated shipping date on her system. She sugested I fill in the online form on the account page (the one I submitted from last week). This is a joke Dell.

I suspect that there is a major problem with Dell's actual upgrade disc; and they are fobbing us all off whilst they find a workaround.

When I bought this laptop, it stated that I could get a free* upgrade as soon as WIN7 was available. WIN7 is available one week now and to to tell some people they will get their upgrade sometime before Christmas is unacceptable. Even worse, for some of us, we dont know when, if ever, when we will get this upgrade.

10 Posts

October 30th, 2009 10:00

I got my WIN7 disc delivered by UPS yesterday (Thur) from the USA . On Wednesday; customer care were unable to give me an extimated shipping date.

6 Posts

November 3rd, 2009 05:00

Just a note for everyone - regardless of whether you have an actual package tracking number or not, it worked for me to submit my order number (the "W07..." part) to the UPS-MI site. It came up with all of the correct information and everything and I was able to confirm that indeed it had actually shipped even though the status hadn't changed on the Windows 7 order page. However, I also got an email a couple of hours later with a tracking number. So all that to say, maybe it was already in the system but the email was just slow in coming my way. Somebody else will have to try it. At any rate, it sure was nice to finally be able to see something/anything confirming that my order had indeed shipped (before receiving the email that is).

21 Posts

November 3rd, 2009 05:00

It is pretty sad.  Dell dropped the ball big-time.  This could've been a big win for the company -- but instead it's a black eye.  There is no excuse for the inability to provide any kind of tracking/shipping status whatsoever. 

10 Posts

November 3rd, 2009 05:00

This situation just goes from bad to worse!

My shipping date changed on the 29th, from the 23rd Nov to the 2nd Nov. Getting better? NO. Today it has disappeared altogether! My order status just shows 'ORDERED', everything else is blank.

Dell, this just is not good enough. Microsoft released the upgrades to you weeks before the release date, you knew exactly how many elegible systems you had sold and how many pre-registered orders you had. You should have had systems in place to deal with this in a timely manner.

Please Dell, get it sorted. and please, can I have the upgrade that I have bought and paid for.


50 Posts

November 3rd, 2009 07:00

Aye the website was down due to maintenance last night. I thought at last! They must be sorting it out!

No. Logged in now. Estimated shipping date has gone, and it just says 'Ordered'. I know that!

This is poor. Does the US have a regulatory board for consumers to complain to, or is that just a British specialty?

I could spend all day complaining about how poor this has been.

I'm not even going to install W7 until a new service pack is out (if Dell allows me to install at any time...), but i would like it here or at least know where it is for peace of mind!


Also, the UPS-MI site doesnt work for me. Maybe that is just for US user's i dont know.

10 Posts

November 3rd, 2009 14:00

Oh for heavens sake Dell

My order has now been updated with a shipping date of 11/11 !

This situation is just not good enough. We have bought and PAID for this software, please start treating us like customers and tell us what the problem is, when you will resolve it and when we will receive our W7 disks.


21 Posts

November 3rd, 2009 21:00

Sometime today my "estimated ship date" changed from 11/05/09 to 11/16/09.  Ugh.  If the first estimate was 11 days off, how am I supposed to have any confidence in the 2nd estimate?



17K Posts

November 4th, 2009 07:00


I will be trying to get more information on what the problem is with the ship dates changing so often in my meetin today, I will post back when I find out.

39 Posts

November 4th, 2009 09:00

what I see in my status:

ordered november third, estimated shipment november 27??????



...... i'm in a good mood, sorry if I seem a little agressive

2 Posts

November 4th, 2009 10:00

 If the delivery of my computer is any indication, You may recieve shipment weeks before the estimated ship date. My hypothesis:  Dell wants us to be pleasantly surprised, and a lot of leeway from being pinned to any possibility of making a promise they can't keep.

I just sent an email to the support link I received with the email confirming my registration. Will follow up if it results in anything.

Be of good cheer (at least for another week :emotion-5:)

Thanks to Jesse of Dell for her good work, doing her best as host to W7 issues.


36 Posts

November 5th, 2009 10:00

You may recieve shipment weeks before the estimated ship date. My hypothesis:  Dell wants us to be pleasantly surprised, and a lot of leeway from being pinned to any possibility of making a promise they can't keep.


Indeed it has been the case that some have received theirs before the estimated ship date. But in all areas they've run this like imbeciles, truth be told. Not a single person has told me they got an email prompting them to perform checkout, as the FAQ clearly states would be the case. Instead, people like myself used their common sense and just logged on on the 22nd/23rd to find the pack added to the cart awaiting payment. I bet some people haven't even confirmed the order as they're sat waiting, as instructed, for an email off Dell. Also, it is totally hit and miss as to if you get an email saying it has shipped. some do, others don't. As to who gets served and when, well apparently they're telling people on the phone that they're running it on a first come first served basis, but I've talked with umpteen people on various forums, also in the UK, who both registered for the program *and* ordered/paid for their ['free'] upgrade WAY after me, who have already received theirs.

In my case, I registered very early late June in fact, shortly after the program launched. I also paid for the order fairly early on, on 23rd Oct in fact. You'd think that would put me somewhere near the front of a first come, first served queue? Not so...I was given an 11/15/2009 est. ship date. Then, after a few days, my heart all aflutter, it changed to 10/31/2009 - how happy was I? Not very, as that date passed with not a mention of shipping or any updates at all. Then, as if by magic, my ship date went blank....and the status now showed as 'Ordered' - naturally I thought this may have meant they were preparing for dispatch. Not on your life. I logged on again two days later to find my ship date was back....but now it was back to the original 11/15/2009. There is no kind of excuse for this level of ineptitude. If I did as bad as this in my job, I'd be unceremoniously sacked - and for good reason.

Sorry, I'm afraid I'm all out of good cheer....thanks to Dell no less.




16 Posts

November 5th, 2009 10:00

Thanks to Jesse of Dell for her good work, doing her best as host to W7 issues.

Jesse is a man, baby.

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