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This post is more than 5 years old



February 16th, 2007 17:00

Why do I need permission to delete folders on my OWN computer?

Got my XPS 410 Feb 5th.:smileyvery-happy:  Of course it has Vista on it.
Trying to clean up some of the clutter by deleteing but I can't.  Get message "You need permission to delete this" message and I am trying to delete it as administrator. :smileymad:
Two folders so far are Windows Media Player and Sigma Tel. 
Want to delete WMP 11 so I can get rid of the silly URGE thingy that comes up everytime I play a CD or DVD and install V. 10 or earlier.  I just want to play CD music, not buy more online. :manmad:
Want to delete Sigma Tel to see if having just drivers is suffieient.  Don't understand why I need a 20 mb plus folder just for the on-board sound system.

Message Edited by biznaga on 02-16-2007 01:41 PM

108 Posts

February 16th, 2007 17:00

That depends on where the folders are located. Also, if they are on a partition that already existed when you first installed Vista the permissions tend to get messed up. If you're deleting files/folders that reside inside C:\Program Files you will (or should) always get a UAC prompt. The same thing happens inside the C:\Windows folder. If your extra partition is doing that, you might have to 'take ownership' and/or reset the permissions on that drive.

151 Posts

February 16th, 2007 17:00

Yeah, I am tiring of having to ask myself permission constantly. adm and sole user.

138 Posts

February 16th, 2007 20:00

Um, you're worried about 20MB on a 320GB drive? I'm sorry, it just sounds a little silly to me.

And if you don't want to deal with urge, just don't use WMP. It's only a 5MB folder. Plus there are codecs and plugins in there you probably want anyway. And by probably I mean you definitely want them.

Unless you plan on using 100% of your hard drive for something, you benefit not from removing those two folders.

But if you really want to remove the Sigma Tel folder, you can, that's extra config stuff only.

Message Edited by cmspaz on 02-16-2007 04:27 PM
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