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This post is more than 5 years old


January 22nd, 2007 17:00

Will I have problems if I uninstall Cine Player?

I have a Dimension 3100C and I am experiencing difficulties with Dell Cine Player. I downloaded the patch back in Decemeber and that rectified a problem but a new audio and visual issue has arisen and I no longer want to use this player.

If I uninstall Cine Player - will I have any problems (i.e. lose codecs etc)

Any help on this issue will be much appreciated



24 Posts

January 22nd, 2007 23:00

Cineplayer CDs contain the same defective codecs that were factory installed by Dell.
On 12-8-2006 I posted on several other Cineplayer threads the solution to the Cineplayer problem:
Request from Dell the CD for Cyberlink PowerDVD 5.3 or newer.  After PowerDVD arrives uninstall the Cineplayer using the Remove Programs utility in Control Panel.  Then install PowerDVD.
Others following this advice report success.

3 Posts

April 8th, 2007 23:00

where can I get Cyperlink Power DVD 5.3.
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