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This post is more than 5 years old

9 Legend


16K Posts


December 15th, 2012 08:00

Windows 8 or Windows 7? What do you prefer?


35 Posts

December 21st, 2012 04:00

It is better to use Windows 7 instead of using Win 8 with full of bugs.

9 Legend


16.3K Posts

December 21st, 2012 09:00

jini ... ??

Sorry to throw a kink in your poll nat, but it shouldn't be "skewed", right? ... the out-of-box interface does not bother me at all.  I have yet to use a touch interface (except for playing at Best Buy, which I do like), but I run it on two laptops and one desktop with dual 20" monitors.

9 Legend


16K Posts

December 21st, 2012 10:00

jini ... ??

Sorry to throw a kink in your poll nat, but it shouldn't be "skewed", right? ... the out-of-box interface does not bother me at all.  I have yet to use a touch interface (except for playing at Best Buy, which I do like), but I run it on two laptops and one desktop with dual 20" monitors.

Its a poll so of course state your own opinion. Theres a link to the poll on my Windows Reinstallation Guide and I know people who want to downgrade to Windows 7 from Windows 8 will look at my guide however people who want to upgrade from Windows 7 to Windows 8 will also look at the guide so it hopefully shouldn't be skewed.

I personally prefer Windows 7 and temporarily upgraded my XPS 8300 Desktop with Dual Dell IN2030M monitors to Windows 8. I downgraded back down to Windows 7 due to personal loss of productivity and annoyances.

I have upgraded 1 laptop to Windows 8 and Windows 8 will stay on that solely because my HP Printer driver works well on Windows 8 and not so well on Windows Vista/7. I will install StartIsBack on it however as my preference is for the WIndows 7 UI.

21 Posts

December 21st, 2012 15:00

Why in the world is Dell not allowing PC's to be configured with Windows 7 on their website anymore? Microsoft is allowing OEM's to sell Windows 7 on their PC's until 2014, so what gives?! I wanted an XPS laptop, but Windows 8 prevails, so Dell just lost money on a potential sale! Also, why aren't we allowed to choose Windows 8 Pro if we want it? What gives with Dell lately?

21 Posts

December 21st, 2012 16:00

I was interested in the XPS 15. I'm a little disturbed about the lack of being able to choose hardware options on it as well. :\ I am in the United States.

9 Legend


16K Posts

December 21st, 2012 16:00

Why in the world is Dell not allowing PC's to be configured with Windows 7 on their website anymore? Microsoft is allowing OEM's to sell Windows 7 on their PC's until 2014, so what gives?! I wanted an XPS laptop, but Windows 8 prevails, so Dell just lost money on a potential sale! Also, why aren't we allowed to choose Windows 8 Pro if we want it? What gives with Dell lately?

What particular model of XPS are you interested in? What region are you in, the US or?

9 Legend


16K Posts

December 21st, 2012 16:00

3 of the variants here have Windows 7

The last one has the option for Windows 8 or Windows 8 professional:

It does seem like they don't let you select the one with the variant with the best CPU and Graphics with Windows 7 however.

Edit they do, its under view all configurations.

21 Posts

December 21st, 2012 17:00

That, and you can't use a personal Preferred account to buy a laptop in the Home & Small Office section. :(

9 Legend


16K Posts

December 24th, 2012 03:00

select the chat now to the top right, one of the Dell sales reps will be able to assist you.

21 Posts

December 24th, 2012 11:00

I did. They were very apologetic, but totally useless.

3 Posts

December 25th, 2012 09:00

I'll give in my vote after about a week of using Windows 8.

9 Legend


16K Posts

December 26th, 2012 15:00

I'll give in my vote after about a week of using Windows 8.

Sure you need to play around with it and you will see if you like or dislike it.

21 Posts

December 26th, 2012 15:00

I agree. I tried it and didn"t like it. It's one of those "love it or hate it" deals. It's why I don't think Windows 8 will do well, unfortunately. There's not really any adequate middle ground. It's why I don't think Dell made a good choice by going almost totally Windows 8 at this point. They need to give an either/or choice for consumers re: Windows 7/8

2 Posts

December 28th, 2012 10:00

I hated windows 8 when I got it on release day. My initial thoughts were "I bet this is great on a tablet, but I hate it on my desktop". And I really did hate it, with a passion - I'd boot up my rubbish work-provided laptop rather than start up my brand new Alienware for most things.

But then, over time, a strange thing happened - I found myself becoming frustrated with my windows 7 laptop for not being as easy and intuitive as my PC. When did this happen? how strange!

The fact is that our brains are hardwired to create subconscious routines that allow us to autopilot most tasks whilst our conscious mind is working on something else (how often do you think about the process for getting food from your plate to your mouth when using a fork? How much harder is it to use chopsticks? I'll bet you're concentrating then, even if you're moderately adept at using them). When these subconscious routines are disrupted, it's extremely difficult for us to compensate and we feel actual discomfort or irritation.

Over time though, a miraculous thing happens - your brain begins to embed the new processes and routines and before you know it you're flying. But you have to be willing to give it time.

I've read so many hate reviews of windows 8 and themes are generally the same: "I want the start menu back", "turning off is a pain", "I want the taskbar back", I can only undertake bask actions in the homescreen so I spend all day on the desktop anyway" etc etc. But the reality is, none of these statements reflect an actual issue, they're just a reflection of our old processes at work.

want the start button? For what - just right click the bottom left corner to get the control panel et al, in one fewer step than before.

Miss the taskbar? why? its right there on the left of the screen AND the programs use a fraction of the system resource that they did before when they are in the background.

want to use some of the more advanced system tools but the homescreen doesn't let you access them? Easy, enable show administrative tools. If its something even more specialist than those, type it in the search and you'll find it in about 5 steps fewer than you used to.

Come on people, Windows 7 is built on a user interface which is two decades old. Are we seriously saying that we want things to stay stuck like that forever? That its the best that can ever be achieved? That we will punish companies that innovate and dare to try to change things for the better by refusing to buy their products?

All this sounds exactly like the uproar that occurred with the arrival of smartphones "I only want to talk and text - this is all to complicated! I don't want a touchpad, I just want a phone with 10 keys and a hangup/dial button! Why would anyone want a camera, or the internet, on a phone?"

come on people, give it a chance! Work with your Windows 8 for a couple of months, get to know it. Start looking at how you can take advantage of the new environment to change how you do things, instead of trying to shoe-horn the new OS into working in the way you used to work in win7. Once you flip your perspective, you'll love it.

21 Posts

December 28th, 2012 14:00

I DID try it. I STILL hate Windows 8. Why do you think I'm upset with Dell for foisting this farce onto every home user instead of giving people a choice?

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