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This post is more than 5 years old



July 30th, 2015 21:00

Remote Access on different wireless access point?

Remote Access on different wireless access point?

I have the ASUS Transformer and am able to run remote desktop at my work computer great through the 3389 port which i manually set-up. Works beautifully. When I go home, though, I am unable to connect. I assumed that pocketcloud supported the ability to remote in from any wireless access poitn. Was I wrong. Suggestions? Thanks. (Running Windows 7 Pro at work)

August 2nd, 2015 01:00

Thank you for your reply. I downloaded the 2.2.10 Companion on my desktop at work, which I think I already had. I am still getting the same problem. The remote in works great when i'm on the same access point in the office, but from another wifi point, the tablet says, "Connection failed. Could not connect to server." Any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

500 Posts

August 2nd, 2015 01:00

You are unable to connect to your work desktop from home, correct?
The reason is you are behind corporate firewall. If you want to connect without any problems, please install 2.2.10 PocketCloud Windows Companion on your desktop at work. You'll be able to connect from anywhere to your corporate environment.
You can install it from

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