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July 30th, 2015 05:00

RDP session disconnected unique issue

RDP session disconnected unique issue

Good morning, 

Before I begin let me preface by saying I am technology facilitator for a major school district. I am working on a domain with school issued and restricted computers. However I have been successful in obtaining successful remote connections for principals and administrators throughout the zone using manual connections. Also, Gmail and all google associated services except drive are restricted for normal users so that is not an option.

This brings me the point. There is one administrator that I just cannot seem to get the connection working for. I keep getting RDP Session Disconnected seconds after hitting connect. I have tried setting it up from both her ipad and even my ipad which works on every other networked computer I've set up. This makes me believe its an issue with the pc.

Networked PC: windows Xp pro 32 bit

Some things I've done already :

1.I've checked dozens of forums including this one below

2. I've added the administrator to allow remote sessions and added them as a local admin on the PC.

3. I've set to allow all certificates and attempted NLA

4. I've completely restored their ipad 

5. I've double and triple checked to make sure the domain, host name, etc. are correct.

6. I've tried different versions of the app and companion. The ones that have worked for this school consistently are app version 2.2.143 and companion version 2.5.13.

7. I've checked to ensure their computer did not somehow get placed on an alternate network.

8. I've beat my head into the wall (hey sometimes that works)

9. I've successfully connected to another pc from this administrators ipad in the same school.

10. Restarting everything...

11. Checked for vnc programs on the pc.

I know this is a very specific case and a lot of information I'm just being as thorough as possible. If anyone has any ideas I'm open for all suggestions.

1.3K Posts

August 4th, 2015 05:00

Sorry for the trouble!

Lets see if we can get this figured out...

Can you check and make sure PocketCloud is added to any allowed applications lists in your firewall and anti-virus applications? Sometimes these can block communication from the Companion to the mobile application.

Josh Maurer
Visit our Knowledge Base and Manuals web site at

7 Posts

August 10th, 2015 06:00

it is not blocked. I can connect to half a dozen other computers on the with the same network and firewall applications in the same school

7 Posts

August 10th, 2015 06:00

Strangely without the companion it won't manually connect to these computers anymore so I reinstalled it. In terms of service packs, it is using SP3. It was pushed out to all of these computers a while back. To double check I reinstalled it on the machine and still no luck. Thank you for your help, though.

7 Posts

August 10th, 2015 06:00


Sorry to disappear for so long. The school year ended and I just got back around to this recently. The same problem persists. I have updated the app and the Windows companion. Some additional info:

As stated in my initial post, Gmail and google talk are both blocked on this domain. Even attempting to sign in to google with the app or windows companion will result in an error so I could not follow your instructions above. In addition, I do not see the kite icon you are talking about. These computers do not have program or quick launch bars which are accessible, even to admins such as myself. With the new windows companion I can get to step 3, click sign in, it will attempt to connect (unsuccessfully), but I can still manage to get into settings for the companion if that helps.

I have sent you the only log that I was able to get, though I doubt it's the right one.

Any thoughts?

96 Posts

August 10th, 2015 06:00

What version of PocketCloud are you using and what type of device and IOS version are you using?

96 Posts

August 10th, 2015 06:00

Companion is not used if all you are using is Manual connections, so you may just want to un-install it. One thing you may want to verify is that the version of Windows XP is at SP3. Attempting to connect to an SP2 machine will give you that error message.

1.3K Posts

August 10th, 2015 06:00

Can you capture a log from the companion for me?

1- Right-click on the PocketCloud Kite icon
2- Select Preferences
3- Select the Advanced tab
4- Click on the box to the left of "Enable Debug"
5- Right-click on the PocketCloud Kite icon
6- Sign-out from Gmail
7- Right-click on the PocketCloud Kite icon and wait for 1 minute
8- Sign-in to Gmail
9- Connect or attempt to connect to the computer from your mobile device.
10- Let it run for at least 30 seconds or more
11- Right-click on the PocketCloud Kite icon
12- Select Preferences
13- Select the Advanced tab
14- Click on the box to the right of "Enable Debug" to view the log
15- Save the file to your computer

From here, please send it to the email address I sent you in a Private Message. Once I get it, I will let you know if we find anything.

Josh Maurer
Visit our Knowledge Base and Manuals web site at

1.3K Posts

August 10th, 2015 07:00

So google services are for sure blocked on this network? It is interesting to our engineers that the companion software seems to work for other computers on the network, but not this specific one. Please confirm this for us.

Also, maybe you could try to install gtalk to see if it will allow that.

Josh Maurer
Visit our Knowledge Base and Manuals web site at

1.3K Posts

August 10th, 2015 07:00

Try launching PocketCloud from the Start menu:
-Navigate to the Settings screen
-Select the Support tab 
-Enable support diagnostics wait 30 seconds to 1 minute 
-Sign out wait 30 seconds to 1 minute
-Sign back in
-Attempt to connect using PocketCloud on your mobile device
-Navigate back to the Support tab within PocketCloud Settings
-Select Log Location

From here you should see 1 or more log files (ex: WysePocketCloudLog.txt, WysePocketCloudLogApp.txt, etc), send these files to me.

Josh Maurer
Visit our Knowledge Base and Manuals web site at

1.3K Posts

August 10th, 2015 07:00

Thanks for the additional information. Can you please send me a companion log from the specific computer you cannot connect to? Please use these instructions:

Can you capture a log from the companion for me?

1- Right-click on the PocketCloud (cloud) icon in the system tray
2- Select Settings
3- Select the Support tab
4- Click on the box to the left of "Enable support diagnostics"
5- Select Apply
6- Right-click on the PocketCloud icon in the system tray
6- Sign-out
7- Right-click on the PocketCloud icon and wait for 1 minute
8- Sign-in to Gmail
9- Connect or attempt to connect to the computer from your mobile device.
10- Let it run for at least 30 seconds or more
11- Right-click on the PocketCloud icon
12- Select Settings
13- Select the Support tab
14- Click on "Open Log"
15- Save the file to your computer

From here, email me the log file in an email with a link to this forum thread to the email address I sent to you in a Private Message on the forum here.

Josh Maurer
Visit our Knowledge Base and Manuals web site at

7 Posts

August 10th, 2015 07:00

PocketCloud App version 2.2.160 - the same I run on my iPad that connects to other computers on the same domain
The computer is an HP Compaq 6005 Pro SFF with Windows XP 5.1 (Build 2600: Service pack 3)
My iPad (which won't connect to the problem computer either) is iOS6 iPad 2
Her iPad which also won't connect is iOS7 iPad 3

7 Posts

August 10th, 2015 07:00

I believe this is what you wanted me to do earlier in this thread, but i am unable to. First, there is no taskbar on these computers - not even for administrators. Second, Gmail is blocked. Is there another way to do this without needed a taskbar or gmail? Would signing into Google in general be enough? Google drive is not blocked.

7 Posts

August 10th, 2015 07:00

Google services, with the exemption of Google Drive/Docs, are blocked by domain policy. Gtalk is included in the restrictions, unfortunately. I am actually posting this from my ipad while remotely connected to the laptop at the school in question as we speak. I also just connected to the principal's computer at this school as well. However, just this one computer continues to reject the connection.

I do thank you for your continued support, though.

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