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This post is more than 5 years old



June 17th, 2015 03:00

Wyse TCX Suite server v4.0 + WYSE V10LE

Wyse TCX Suite server v4.0 + WYSE V10LE

Good day,

I purchased Wyse TCX Suite v4.0 server to enable USB stick from the Wyse

I have 1 Windows domain controler, and Terminal Servers

Wyse configuration is :
- Model VX0 Wyse, V10LE WTOS 1.2G, System version
From the Wyse dektop, we set "system setup" and "TCX License" :
Inside "input Tcx license" we add the correct licence number", but after the wyse reboot it disapears

Must I install "Wyse TCX Suite v4.0" on the Terminal Servers ? Or can I install it on any other machine ?
For the moment I installed it on an XP machine, but the WYSE still loose their USB stick after multiple operations.

Can you explain us how to use this product ?

Thanks in advance

67 Posts

June 17th, 2015 03:00

The local TCX license field on the V10L is legacy and no longer needed for the TCX version you purchased. TCX is a client to server communication product so you must install it on the server that the V10L is connecting to. That install will ask for the license key.

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