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This post is more than 5 years old



May 8th, 2015 09:00

Xenith 2 - Not launching desktop after firmware update

Xenith 2 - Not launching desktop after firmware update


Maybe this is a stupid question but i am stuck and lack knowledge of this so i will try asking here.
We have Wyse Xenith 2 clients, And most of them have been running firmware 2.0.017 but for a while now when we order new ones they of course have a newer firmware. However this is causing problems, But rolling back to an old firmware is not the best solution so.. 

The problem is after the upgrade or whenever we get a new client, Instead of starting our Windows Desktop it launches a Citrix receiver desktop?

It is a bit hard to explain so here are some pictures to help with it

This is what the login looked like before upgrade, And after logging in it went straight to our Windows Desktop that we have published.(see image below)

After the upgrade it looks like this.(see image below)

But instead of lauching the Windows dekstop it goes to this?(see image below). And we have changed nothing else? 

What is the problem? Is it something that needs to be changed in the wnos.ini file or what should we do, We just want the client to launch the Windows desktop right away efter logging in.

Sorry for my half-bad English, But hopefully i posted this in the correct forum.
Thank you in advance!


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