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September 13th, 2017 03:00

Dell XPS 13 9360 - i5-8250U

Hi all!
There is an updated version of the XPS 13 with 8-th gen Core processors. I would like to get the model with the Core i5-8250U processor and FHD matte display, but I'm afraid it still has that CABC-'feature', which still can not be deactivated, making the notebook pretty much useless for me. Can anyone confirm that the latests versions with 8-th gen Core processors still have the same Panel and that CABC still is not deactivable for the FHD-model?

I recently bought the i5-7200U FHD model and tried pretty much everything to get rid of the CABC. After several phone calls with dell's technical support I accepted the conclusion: CABS simply can not be turned off on the FHD model.
That horrible piece of code is flashed to the panels rom and can not be accessed via BIOS, etc. to be overwritten.
So, why does Dell not simply flash a CABC-free Version of the panel's firmware (for newer models)? I really don't get it. Its so increadibly annoying and simply 'stupid'. I want that laptop, but CABC is a dealbreaker and QHD+ Version (here you can turn CABC off) is unaccaptable for me due to the mirror-like reflections. I guess Dell does not want my money?!

86 Nachrichten

September 15th, 2017 04:00

Still impossible. But someone on reddit reported to have a model without CABC-malfunction: https://www.reddit.com/r/Dell/comments/5eni4y/just_tested_no_adaptive_brighness_cabc_on_xps13/

And don't try to install the firmware of the UHD-model to disable CABC. Someone bricked his XPS with wrong firmware: https://www.reddit.com/r/Dell/comments/5bvy6m/updated_fhd_9360_with_9550_cabc_disabled_firmware/

Also Dell, was seid Ihr eigentlich für ein müder Laden? Seit der ersten Generation von CABC besteht der Wunsch etlicher Nutzer, die Funktion abstellen zu können. Getan hat sich garnichts, im Gegenteil wurde jede neue Revision mit diesem Müll ausgestattet, ohne dem Kunden eine Wahl zu lassen. Ist die Schummelsoftware so dringend nötig, um in Tests besser abschneiden zu können oder sind Kundenwünsche mittlerweile gestrichen?!?

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