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2 Posts


April 23rd, 2020 06:00

PLEASE revoke the 1.3.1 BIOS for XPS13 7390 2 in 1 !!!

There are so many discussions about the trackpad lagging/freezing issue but DELL still haven't revoke the 1.3.1 BIOS and let more and more users of xps7390 2 in 1 become victims of this bug.

I have rolled back to the 1.0.13 BIOS and everything goes well.

Window update is keeping installing the 1.3.1 BIOS and I need to rollback the BIOS again and again.

The DELL-Cares Social Media Support replied in other discussion about this issue said uncheck the option Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power in the power management setting of Intel Wireless Bluetooth. I have updated the Bluetooth driver to the newest version but I still cannot find the Power Management tab in the device manager page for Intel Wireless Bluetooth.


Dell should revoke the 1.3.1 BIOS and fix this bug as soon as possible but not telling users to spend a lot of time to solve this issue by themselves.

59 Posts

April 23rd, 2020 08:00

Exactly, I already mentioned this in other threads, but the option does not exist on Windows Insider editions, including the slow ring.

2 Posts

April 23rd, 2020 10:00

i also have the same issue, 7390 xps 2 in 1.  wow what a weird one but the device manager power management did fix for me while we await a new bios.  sort of weird they can't spin out a fix quicker   

April 27th, 2020 10:00

100% that this update should be pulled. 

The failure for Dell to act on revoking this driver update is the last straw for me with Dell laptops. I'm responsible for a deployment of ~4k laptops and our service desk has been going nuts with this latest BIOS update trying to help everyone in the midst of the pandemic. 

We've been purchasing Dell XPS laptops since the 9350 and each one has had considerable issues (the contemporary Latitude 7000-series laptops from each generation has also had considerable issues). Dell 9350 had Thunderbolt problems, 9360 had trackpad problems (most were defective), 9370 was the most reliable but was quickly replaced by the 9380 which initially was shipped with non-working Thunderbolt since Dell didn't understand Microsoft's new modern driver framework at the time. Now we've moved onto the 7390 which was shipped with multiple broken drivers and now this defective BIOS update. 

Meanwhile, we've been trialing Surface Laptop 2 and Surface Laptop 3 and have had no issues with any of them for the last 2-years. All updates seem well-tested, the computers are actually more affordable in like-for-like configurations, and they've been easier/simpler to procure. 

Dell, your customers have choices and we've made ours. 

59 Posts

April 27th, 2020 11:00

Sadly, I agree. I've joined this forum a month ago and none of "help" I've received have fixed my issues. And we haven't seen any critical driver updates to fix the issues that have been plaguing numerous users. If there are 10+ threads on this forum with the same problem, imagine how many more less technically apt users are struggling with the same problems. 

Typically I get the same "send me your service tag" PMs. These occur even after I have already given them my service tag, and the following suggested  steps are often so tangential to the actual fix  that it is laughable.

I'll be frank. This was my first Dell purchase, which I decided to go ahead with despite my colleagues urging me to just get a Surface device from a reliability standpoint; not to mention, how much easier it is to service a Surface device with the plethora of Microsoft stores and their extremely strong customer service at these locations. I decided to purchase the 7390, because I was attracted to the form factor and the components, form a cost perspective.

My constant issues the broken Audio drivers and Bluetooth issues have made me deeply regret my 1400$ purchase. Once again, it seems that I should have paid a little more and purchased a more reliable device.  Sadly, the slow response from Dell on these issues, I am considering selling this laptop and purchasing something more reliable. 


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