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73 Posts


May 17th, 2020 00:00

Why you should think twice before buying a DELL (at least in Europe)

Hi all,

I’d just like to share my personal experience here for information. I apologize in advance for the length but I really felt like I needed to share this.

Despite running roughly 100 laptops from HP in our company with no big issues, I decided (I still don’t know why) to go for the new DELL XPS 13 9300 (i7 - 16GB RAM – 1TB SSD – UHD display - Ubuntu).

1st thing you should now is that there is no stock in Europe so every order is shipped out of China; the delivery time indicated on the website is ex works, you need to add the transport from China to Europe. Now, to be honest, this is not a secret but, at least on the French website, they indicate transport times ranging from 4 to 6 days which is, let’s say, a bit optimistic.

In my case it took 10 days which is acceptable but clearly not the same as the often 48h delivery from many other brands with local warehouses.

So I get my brand new XPS and switch it on, just to find that the screen and seconds after the keyboard backlight go black (off) after 2 minutes. I restart the device and the same thing happens again. From here on, I try about everything, from up and downgrading Bios to reinstalling Ubuntu and even Windows from scratch (funny enough, the laptop stays on during the OS installation) just to find out that I definitely can’t survive more than a couple of minutes inside any OS before the unwanted shutdown.

Long story short, I have the choice between a mainboard swap or a new device. As DELL has no stock in Europe I go for the main board swap, at that stage I can no longer afford to wait another 10 to 15 days for a replacement device.

The main board is swapped (and fast, good point DELL), unfortunately I have to find out 2 days later that the new mainboard is faulty. No more shutdowns but no Bluetooth. These days with a lot of conf calls a real handicap not to be able to use my BT headsets.

Despite this and other audio issues, I decide to go with a swap, hoping on a premium / vip handling of the topic given the hassle I’d been through. How was I wrong.

  • DELL Quality team needs to validate the swap, took them over 1 week to agree to the decision requested by the support team
  • New order is placed on the 4th of May
  • Product is shipped on the 8th of May (ok, acceptable) and I get the UPS tracking number

Now, being impatient at this point, I check the UPS site to see the progress and estimated delivery date. At that point it states “in transit to UPS facility”. Working myself a lot with UPS, I know this status; the moment between the request for a shipment is made and the time UPS gets his hands on the goods to be shipped. Usually limited to 1 day, 2 max.

[Spoileralert] Today, 9 days later, the status is still the same. Having checked with UPS several times, they never got this shipment. Info forwarded to Dell[/Spoileralert]

Obviously I didn’t wait these 9 days, I started to alert DELL a couple of days back but always got the same answer to wait another 24h.

Finally, on Friday morning, DELL support answers to another of my reminders that they escalate to the “concerned” team and come back to me within 24h. Obviously I didn’t get any reply.

So, to summarize:

  • Be aware DELL has no stock in Europe, not even for customer service. If you need an exchange (for whatever reason) count at least 2 to 3 weeks
  • Dell Quality Control “s.cks”; neither my laptop nor the swap main board should have passed even basic Quality control in factory; both issues are severe and easy to test and occur all the time
  • Dell logistics also s.cks; according to the support, they have no way checking if a product really left the factory. No internal tracing whatsoever.
  • Dell tech support is quite fast but with very limited “power”. Whenever they need to escalate things (like a driver update can’t solve your problem) things become very slow

For those interested, I’ll keep you updated but I guess I’m in for another 3 weeks at least by the time the “concerned” team agrees the shipment is lost, the time the quality team accepts to issue a new (by then 3rd) order and the hopefully then fast production, delivery from China of a hopefully then working device.

Thanks for reading me out.

Have a nice day.



73 Posts

May 19th, 2020 11:00

Tomorrow it will be 1 month that I received the XPS 13 9300, defective on unboxing.

11 days since Dell lost the replacement laptop that was supposedly shipped but never arrived at UPS.

Still waiting for a feedback from DELL.. 

73 Posts

May 20th, 2020 14:00

Ok, here a little follow up.

Out of the blue, UPS dropped by this afternoon to deliver the new laptop even though it was still shown as "in transit to UPS China".

However, I must be really doomed, the new device has a dead pixel. Not too visible at first but now that I saw it once, I see it every time.

See what the support will suggest, if possible I'm out, giving back both devices to get a refund.

Buy a HP instead.

73 Posts

May 21st, 2020 10:00


last message on this topic, I hope.

Finally, after a good night of sleep and having a day off today, I decided this morning to swap display assemblies between the 1st XPS with broken audio and Bluetooth but ok display and the one received yesterday which is working fine except the dead pixel. Did it following the quite detailed maintenance manual on the Dell website (nice move here DELL to make this sort of document available).

So, after one day of reinstalling the OS and all the rest from scratch I looks like I won't have any other bad surprises. 

Now, just waiting for Dell to pick up the 1st device or send return instructions.

Nevertheless, DELL :

  • 2 new laptops and 1 spare main board and all 3 had issues (bad Quality Control here, hope it's temporary and due to Covid situation)
  • some spare configs in a European warehouse for after sales cases would be a smart move

Thanks for reading me out up to here.

2 Posts

May 21st, 2020 13:00

Quality control is an issue.

Order the 7390 2 in 1 mid-April. Took a bit over 3 weeks to arrive. Had numerous hardware faults (bulges in palm rest, glass popping, uneven trackpad and hinges). Took an entire month to get a replacement. Replacement also has palm rest bulges, a crunchy trackpad that rattles the spacebar, and an "a" that is twice as loud when clicked compared to all the others. Going through the process of now getting a second replacement. 

At this rate, hoping to have a functional laptop by the end of summer...

73 Posts

June 14th, 2020 06:00


Ok, so I should change the topic to "Why you really shouldn't get a Dell right now"


  • A first device that auto shut down every 2 minutes
  • A swap of main board that had no bluetooth and bad audio
  • A second device that took over 3 weeks to arrive with Dead pixels

the second device, which I decided to keep, latest one week before one of the USB-C ports stopped working. With the device off and lid closed and connected to Dell AC Charger, the front led started flashing 2x Amber 1x White in cycle after 2 hours of charging.

Result : the left USB-C connector is no longer working, no charging, no accessories.

As I didn't want to go through another 3+ weeks waiting for an exchange, I requested a refund from the customer account section of the website over 1 week ago.

No news and when I send reminders they either are ignored or I get the excellent advice to "request a refund from the website".

Dell what happened to your product and customer care quality???

Anyway, if you think that I'll give up, don't count on that, I have over 2k € to recover and I'll do whatever it takes (even if that means invovling our companies legal team).

To all out there, think twice before going DELL (at least here in Europe and least right now).

73 Posts

June 16th, 2020 02:00

Small update for those interested.

Contacted DELL today as I had no feedback further to my request for product return through the website on the 5th of June.

DELL informed me that I cannot pretend on a product return.

So basically, I'm stuck with a brand new XPS 13 (high config +2k€) not working and no solution offered from DELL despite ProSupport.

People be aware and avoid DELL at least until they get quality products and decent customer support.

73 Posts

June 16th, 2020 03:00


I'm not pro or against production in China. For sure Corona is not neutral in terms of quality and China might not be the best place but you can't guarantee 0 fault manufacturing anywhere in the world.

What makes up a good company also, however is the support and the consideration you give to your customers and in this aspect DELL clearly  at least right now and in my case even though the solutions are actually quite simple :

  • Get local stock, if not for sales, at least for Customer care; waiting over 3 weeks for a replacement device is not acceptable They already have the infrastructure, logistics and warehousing for spares, just add a couple of devices of each config. It's not like there's a million different configs out there or like the models versions are revised every 2 days.
  • Answer to customer requests and don't make promises you can't keep just to make the customer happy until he finds out you  him

Actually those 2 things already would make life so much easier for some of us here.

272 Posts

June 16th, 2020 03:00

It seems that companies should stop making products in China.

Things made in China are faulty to the core. I hope after the Corona aftermath companies pull out their manufacturing facilities from China and shift to other Asian countries.

The best choice is to make products with the best quality and customer satisfaction in mind.

73 Posts

June 23rd, 2020 03:00

Just to keep this thread updated.

Dell refuses a return and refund.

However they now generously offer an on site repair around end of July. No parts and no qualified technician before that date.

They also hope I'm satisfied with this generous offer.

It'll be almost 4 months by then that I paid +2k € for a brand new XPS 13 + ProSupport that I was able to use in good conditions for 1 week.

73 Posts

July 13th, 2020 22:00

Small update:

After a lot of battle with the support and forth and back I finally had a support person on site middle of last week to exchange display and main board. Result: Laptop completely dead. Won't power on or show any signs of activity. No LED no charging, nothing.

Answer from Dell (again after multiple messages from my side) : we need to change a fan and SSD. Don't ask me why. I however managed to convince them that a broken fan or SSD wouldn't prevent the laptop from charging the battery or powering on so their diagnosis is wrong.

Now they actually picked up the laptop for a repair in their repair center.

Should last max 10 working days but I am quite sure that I won't see that laptop anytime soon. They'll certainly announce lack of parts for the repair when the time is up.

It's been a quarter of a year that my XPS was first delivered and I was able to use it one week. Sooo bad Dell.

73 Posts

July 22nd, 2020 21:00

Hi all,

Latest news, got the device back from the service center after repair but the power button (at least) doesn't work. The device switches on when opening the lid bit the power button is dead. They didn't even test this basis thing after repair.

So now I have another on site support to come..

For now that leaves me, after 3 and a half months of constant struggle, with:

  • 1st XPS 13 (dead on arrival)
  • Main board swap on site (no Bluetooth)
  • Swap against 2nd XPS (dead pixel and left USB c ko)
  • Main board & display swap on site (no power)
  • Main board & battery swap in service center (dead power button)


  • Main board & power button swap on site to come next week(?)

And unable to get a working configuration with all this. Now, lucky me, if they can't get it to work with the next repair then I'm in for another swap in 3 weeks time (the time necessary to arrange for the swap).

At this stage I'm not even angry any more but rather speechless.

Oh, and did I mention that Dell is sorry for the inconvenience caused and the not quite satisfying customer experience? LOL



25.7K Posts

July 22nd, 2020 21:00

Hello, I’m your Dell virtual assistant. I see you've opened a thread.


In order for me to review your system configuration, may I have the Service Tag / Express Service Code/ Order Number?




Refer the below link to find the Service Tag:

73 Posts

July 23rd, 2020 00:00

deleted - Service Tag sent by PM / DM



25.7K Posts

July 23rd, 2020 05:00

Thank you for your message, we will inform the technician in charge of your request to do the necessary ASAP

73 Posts

July 23rd, 2020 05:00

Ok, I was just informed that Dell hasn't yet approved the on site support despite my history and active prosupport.

What can I say?

No Events found!
