1 Rookie
Joined Tuesday, November 8, 2016
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1 Rookie

N1njaDestr0yer • Joined 

November 8th, 2016

About me

<p>Hello There If you've come across this Bio explains all about me and what i like to do...</p> <p>I like to repair Computers and Laptops and also give useful advice to those who have no idea on repair/fixing their Computer or Laptop (whichever one you work one mostly)</p> <p>I also like to collect old Computers and Laptops,</p> <p>"People tell me that repairing old Computers are not worth it. People tell me old computers should be kicked to the curb to be destroyed after their tireless hours and days of continuous years of usage"</p> <p>These "old computers" were apart of these peoples homes and lives they were treated like a dogs....</p> <p>once they brake down they were then terminated from from use ever again,</p> <p>getting stored in sheds,or storage cubicals and forgotten about and just left to rot and collect dust</p> <p>for no one to pickup and re-use ever again......</p> <p> </p>

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