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October 19th, 2020 20:00

Aurora R10, no liquid cooled GPU option?

​Is there a known reason that only the Aurora R11 has a liquid cooled GPU option? I’ve been reading here that the higher spec’d machines in this line are prone to overheating? I’d like to order a higher end Aurora R10 but I’d like the best heat and noise control possible. I’d love to hear some comments from anyone who has an all liquid cooled Aurora R11 about how well heat and noise are controlled. ​

5 Practitioner


274.2K Posts

October 19th, 2020 20:00

@sfnorton    I’d love to hear some comments from anyone who has an all liquid cooled Aurora R11 about how well heat and noise are controlled. 

Heat and noise appear to be OK, but still in beta test mode  Aurora R11 Liquid Cooled GPU 

October 20th, 2020 14:00

The noise is around 35 decibels with Liquid cooled GPU and CPU it does peak around 45-50 under load but it still stays relatively quiet. by comparison its like a whisper from across the room on idle and under load its like a whisper conversation with a group surrounding you. As for the heat it stays relatively cool at 35 degrees however under load it gets around 60-70 but it doesn't stay there for long only while under load. I have the accurate readings in a post for another user asking about the r 11 with the accurate specs mine produced under load and idle for this question as a solution. If i find the post I'll provide a link to it. However Mine is currently experiencing freezing issues which I may have resolved or not still looking into it but has some pics of my rig and the inside with some temps and all there as well.

9 Posts

October 21st, 2020 21:00

Thanks for the response!

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