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2 Intern


264 Posts


August 2nd, 2022 09:00

Aurora R13, AW510K, AWCC change individual key color?

​This has been asked on the Alienware laptop forums before, but I can't seem to find an answer for the AW510K keyboard attached to my Aurora R13. In AWCC FX, there are a number of predefined regions in which you can apply lighting preferences, and one of those regions is "QWER" which adds the Q and the E, but also the R, which I don't want. There doesn't seem to be a way to set colors for individual keys. This is sort of silly, IMO. I was able to define individual key colors on the Logitech G-series keyboard I had on my old rig. I have a game that just redefined some of the movement keys to include the "Q" and the "E" keys. I have the "WASD" region set to a specific color so I can get to it quickly and accurately. I want to add the "Q" and the "E" keys to that area, but I can't find a way to do it. Is it even possible, and if not, what is the correct way to put a feedback request for the feature to be added? Thanks.​

1 Rookie


676 Posts

August 2nd, 2022 16:00

You can change individual colors on the AW510K when you get to the keyboard lighting just click on whatever key and then select the color. Just make sure no selection are checked.



2 Intern


264 Posts

August 2nd, 2022 16:00

Thanks! That was too simple, but not immediately obvious to me.

1 Rookie


676 Posts

August 2nd, 2022 16:00

Your Welcome, I have no idea how it double posted. 

2 Intern


264 Posts

August 2nd, 2022 17:00

It’s a weird forum quirk. Whenever a post gets marked as a solution it gets posted twice. Once as a reply and a second time as a solution.

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