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October 24th, 2021 04:00

Aurora R8, suddenly won't power on

Hi all,

Been using my Aurora R8 since December 2019 and have had no dramas with it until today.

This morning I powered it on as I usually do and used my PC for a few hours and turned it off for the day. All ran fine.

Went just now to power it on for some late night gaming and hitting the power button on the tower does nothing at all. Its like completely dead.

I pressed the little button at the back of the tower next to the power cord and I hear the fans power up and a green light comes on but soon as I let go of the button it shuts all down again.

Have tried removing the power cord from the wall socket and holding the power button down for 15-30 seconds and then reconnecting the power and trying but sadly no luck.

Really starting to freak out now at the moment as I dont know what has happened or what else I could do?

Has this ever happened to anyone before with the R8 or similar model?

Thanks in advance,


86 Posts

October 26th, 2021 16:00

Glad to hear rolling back to 1.0.9 solved the problem for you as well.

We tried going backwards with the Dell Tech for the BIOS firmware but inly 1.0.9 seemed to fix the problem.

If i was you if everything is back to normal and working ok i wouldn't risk it trying to install any other BIOS updates for the time being. 

Its certainly possible that something with a Windows update or perhaps a update from the Microsoft Store (small shopping bag icon) is causing the conflict with the later BIOS versions?


Today is the second morning that i went to switch my PC back on and thankfully it powered on again normally. My only worry now is how to stop Windows Update from force installing the newer BIOS again. Ive set it to not do updates for 30 days....but eventually its going to get to a point where i have to run Windows Update......hope by then the update for the BIOS has been removed from Windows Update.

86 Posts

October 26th, 2021 16:00

Its possible then that another update a few days ago has triggered the problem with that Firmware maybe?

I know for a fact 1.0.17 got installed on my machine on Sunday without me setting to download/install. Then Monday morning my machine would not power on.

Obviously before this Windows & the Microsoft Store did do auto updates but so far the only way i got my R8 to work back to normal was to roll back the BIOS firmware to the 2019 build version.

October 26th, 2021 17:00

Took Chris's advise and downgraded my bios from 1.0.14 to 1.0.9. So far this seems to be doing the trick for me.  Still nervous every time I shut it down but so far so good.  

Funny thing is Alienware software want to do an update, do not think I will be doing that for the next little while



86 Posts

October 26th, 2021 18:00

Glad the rollback worked for you also!


Yeah as a rule i normally never did the BIOS updates as i know they can cause problems. If my system is running fine i say to my self why take the risk in installing it....but this time the install happened on its own without any control for me. 

Im just so thankful the rollback did the trick otherwise i would be stuck with no workable computer

17 Posts

October 26th, 2021 21:00

Same problem, updated bios a couple days ago, fried system. Went through 1000 things including swapping MB battery, last bios update fried my perfectly running system.

16 Posts

October 26th, 2021 21:00

MO I would go into alienware update to confirm your bios version

And this is a big problem, I also almost never update my bios and this was automatic and spent the whole day resetting my cmos until I found this thread and the power cord trick worked great!

Also I downgraded to 109, but dell needs to put out an emergency hotfix

17 Posts

October 26th, 2021 21:00

I can confirm after reading here rolling back to 1.0.9 worked like a champ.

12 Posts

October 26th, 2021 21:00

Hey everyone, I'm wondering if this has to do with the recent Java update.  I updated Java yesterday, didn't have the bios update done or any other windows updates.  Computer worked fine yesterday and then wouldn't turn on normally today.  I then let the rest of the updates go through including the bios update.  Problem is the same.  I can turn it on after multiple random button pushes.  My computer worked fine yesterday and I did the java update at the end of the day.  Literally the only thing that I updated.

12 Posts

October 26th, 2021 21:00

I did go into Alienware update and my bios hadn’t been updated.  I then updated my bios via Alienware after reading this thread to see if the problem was worse, the same, etc.  It was the same.  

86 Posts

October 26th, 2021 22:00

Was your BIOS/Firmware update pushed through Windows Update as well like mine was?

Normally i see this BIOS update appear in the Dell Support App but this time it went through Windows directly.

86 Posts

October 26th, 2021 22:00

Fantastic news to hear the rollback worked for you as well!

86 Posts

October 26th, 2021 22:00

Can you please confirm what BIOS Firmware exact version you are currently on MO?

17 Posts

October 27th, 2021 03:00

Thanks for sharing that Chris, I had already rolled back a couple versions with no success but 1.0.9 worked perfectly. Wont be updating that bios again for a longgg time lol.

12 Posts

October 27th, 2021 05:00

Not sure what I was on before the update Chris but after I updated I was on bios 1.0.17.  I just went back to 1.09 and can confirm my power button works normally again.

12 Posts

October 27th, 2021 07:00

Has anyone heard from Dell whether their engineers are working on this.  Do they know it’s widespread?  Just wondering how many of us need to call them.

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