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October 16th, 2022 10:00

AW510K, broken q key

​I have used this keyboard more then a year and been playing on it. It's really awesome keyboard. But now I have problem. When I play any games my q key will come out each time. This is really annoying trying find a replacement. I bought this keyboard on Alienware site itself. They don't sell keys for the keyboard. Been almost anywhere to look for it and can't find them. Please help or do I need to buy a new keyboard? That would be a waste of the Alienware keyboard since all other keys are still fine.​

8 Wizard


17K Posts

October 18th, 2022 22:00

@Viveon wrote:

Saldy i don't have any kind of form payment that ebay use, know any other site that sell the exact same keys for my keyboard, otherwise i just buy a new one.

You can pay with PayPal (that's what I've always done). However, IIRC ... when the PayPal screen appears, you can also pay with any Credit Card if you wish instead.

But yeah, I would just buy a new one.

We really like this one

My short review here:

88 Posts

October 16th, 2022 17:00

ebay sells individual keys from salvaged keyboards.  pay by the letter.  

3 Posts

October 18th, 2022 12:00

Saldy i dont have any kind of form payment that ebay use, know any ohter site that sell the exact same keys for my keyboard, ohterwise i just buy a new one.

3 Posts

October 19th, 2022 13:00

Thank you very much for the help guys, i look into new keybroads not from logic i dont like them personal sorry :), But i appreciated the help

8 Wizard


17K Posts

October 19th, 2022 15:00

@Viveon wrote:

Thank you very much for the help guys, i look into new keybroads not from logic i dont like them personal sorry :),

I hate to break it to you, but Logitech's OEM-division makes the Alienware keyboards for Dell. Like the programmable ones with LEDs ... Look it up.

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