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March 3rd, 2021 17:00

Possible to see what PSU wattage you have on R10 or R11?

I was looking to get a Alienware Aurora R10 or R11 but had a question about the PSU:

Is it possible to actually see the wattage / label physically on the tower? The reason I ask is because when I've looked up videos of these machines, it seems like even when you slide the side panel off and look at the swingarm holding the PSU unit, you can't make out the watts / sticker because it's blocked. Am I wrong, or is there no way to tell other then to unscrew the entire thing and take it out?

I know you customize the Aurora when you purchase it (so you can select the 1000w PSU), but for me it would be nice to double check that's what I got when I receive it, after spending so much on these. Maybe there is a way to look up wattage on the programs once you get it? I wasn't sure. 

Thank you!

8 Posts

March 4th, 2021 14:00

Okay thanks, maybe the cord / cable thing is a little over my head, but what you are saying (showing the Joe video) is that if the PSU case after opening up the tower, has a little silver square on the side there, it means it must be a 1000w PSU. That's correct? (Sorry for asking so many questions, I'm just trying to understand since I spent a lot on this). So if you actually got a 550w, that little silver square on the swingarm PSU compartment wouldn't even be there. 

Also do all 550ws come in that shorter case that's different? I don't really know much about PSUs so I didn't know if this is always the case (like any 1000w you get are always a lot longer then 550ws). 

6 Professor


6.1K Posts

March 4th, 2021 14:00

The answers to your questions have already been posted in the earlier texts, images and video. 

6 Professor


5.3K Posts

March 4th, 2021 15:00

"Sorry but what does modular mean in this context?"

The cables can be removed and unplugged from the 1000w psu.

There's a pigtail of non-removable wires in the 550w psu.

8 Posts

March 4th, 2021 16:00

I'm all set, I'll continue my research later. I get you are aggravated with me but I didn't save up $2k+ for nothing that took me forever, so I'm going to ask as much as I can and get help. Nothing wrong with that, I'm still learning. 

6 Professor


6.1K Posts

March 4th, 2021 23:00

Hi @Sticks404  nobody is aggravated with you, just pointing out that you have asked some questions more than once. The posts have concentrated on the Alienware Aurora R11, and information is sparse. Despite hours of online research, specific Aurora R11 PSU information was not discovered. The information that was discovered, has been posted in this thread, for the benefit of all Dell Community users. Hopefully, other users will join this thread and post the 'missing' information. 

2 Posts

March 5th, 2021 22:00

got an Alienware R10 Ryzen edition, it got a Delta 1000w PSU

Delta 1000w PSU 

6 Professor


6.1K Posts

March 6th, 2021 00:00

Hi @DaiLo888 welcome to this user to user discussion forum. Thank you for the extra information. 

Your image is label for D/PN 00WTGN = Delta 1000W Modular 80 Plus Gold ATX Power Supply. This Dell Part Number revealed more information on the internet

There is more information in Dell thread UPGRADE to 1000watt PSU

D-PN 00WTGN 1000W Modular 80+Gold ATX Power Supply, Connector Panel 2.jpgD-PN 00WTGN 1000W Modular 80+Gold ATX Power Supply, Connector Panel 3.jpgD-PN 00WTGN 1000W Modular 80+Gold ATX Power Supply, Label .jpg

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