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This post is more than 5 years old



December 27th, 2017 06:00

Alienware 17 R4 - Bad Pool Caller

To tack on the list of problems I've been having with my computer, I've been getting Blue Screens of Death since I've owned the laptop.  Initially, it wasn't too bad...  It happened maybe once a week or something of the sorts.  However now, it's every single day and possibly multiple times a day.  I honestly cannot figure out what's causing it, since it's always varied when it happens.  I could be on Chrome, on a game, the laptop is just sitting there, I hit reboot...and as it's rebooting it gives me the finger and blue screens.  It's very random.

All the Dell system tests check out fine.  Unrelated to this problem, I've already had my motherboard replaced and they did not format/clean install...but the problem was there before, yet it crashes a little bit more now instead.  I downloaded that BlueScreenView program I saw on another post, but no files appear.  Every time the blue screen gets to 100%, it just hangs there; I've had to manually force the computer to shut down.

The only thing I've tried so far is that I read a post about the Killer software suite causing it, so I disabled it from startup; that proved unsuccessful, unfortunately.

But all my drivers are 100% up-to-date, Windows is 100% up-to-date, and I've had anti-virus on this sucker since day one that i've used on all my machines.  Any ideas?

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9 Legend


47K Posts

December 27th, 2017 10:00

Removing Killer Network Drivers may help.

December 27th, 2017 10:00

If I remove the killer network drivers, is there something in its place that'll keep network connectivity up?  Or is that completely separate?


Also into which...  Is Killer still responsible for all the blue screens, or is it just a theory?

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