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This post is more than 5 years old


December 9th, 2017 21:00

Alienware Aurora R6 Constant BSoD errors

I've owned an Aurora R6 for a while now (about 10 months) and I have been getting bluescreens constantly and randomly with seemingly no cause. I could go weeks without getting the error, and then I could get it multiple times in a single day. Every bluescreen is preceded with the computer progressively locking up, where different applications and features become unresponsive until the screen simply stops moving entirely. The error I receive every single time is "DPC WATCHDOG VIOLATION".

I've tried fixing this problem several times with no results.

  • Google told me that particular BSoD error code occurs when drivers are not up to date. I made sure every single thing connected to my computer had a fully updated driver.
  • I contacted both Microsoft (thinking it was an issue with Windows) and Alienware, both of which provided attempted fixes.
  • This thread (which has all of the exact same issues I'm experiencing listed) suggested it was an issue with the GTX driver. I installed the exact driver version he listed.

This issue came to a climax today where I hit a new record of four bluescreens in a single day. Does anyone have any idea what to try next, or should I just consider ordering a replacement PC, and flag this one as defective?

3 Apprentice


4.4K Posts

December 11th, 2017 10:00

Hi ‌,

Is your BIOS version up to date?

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