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June 22nd, 2016 08:00

Area 51-R2, Liquid cooling noise?

​Hello everyone,​

​I have received a brand new Area 51 R2 as a warranty replacement for my previous Aurora.​

​There is something that I need to ask the community here before it gets too late:​

​When I start the computer (and few minutes after) I can hear the liquid noise (liquid moving inside) and I would like to know if this is normal. The Area 51 seems to be much quieter, however, never heard the liquid moving in my Aurora desktop.​

​Is there something I should be concerned about? Is in normal?​

​Is it possible that the amount of cooling in the machine to be less than ideal and for this reason to hear the noise ?​

​Can you guys enlighten me in this matter?​

​Thank you in advance for your input.​

Community Manager


54.5K Posts

June 22nd, 2016 09:00

I also hear this on my Area 51-R2. I found this document in the X51-R3 Manuals section, "Alienware-x51-R3 About Liquid cooling" that applies to all Alienware Liquid Cooling units. In it, it states,

"The sound is standard for all computers with liquid cooling units and stops after a few minutes of computer use."

"The bubbling sound is due to the air that resides in the liquid cooling assembly. When the temperature of the liquid rises, it expands and the air bubbles in the tube are dislodged."

Perhaps this is what we are hearing.

54 Posts

June 22nd, 2016 09:00

Hello Chris,

Thank you kindly for your answer.

In conformity with your answer and quote, it seems normal. It is quite weird though, never heard that one on my Aurora.

Based on your answer, I should give it a rest I guess...

I was really concerned about it, don't want to have an issue from the beginning and go again through the replacement process.

Thank you again for your reply!

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