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This post is more than 5 years old


July 22nd, 2015 11:00

Aurora-R3, Windows 10 not supported, but will function with tweaks

Hello I am wondering if the new windows 10 operating system will work on the Alienware Aurora R3. Other R3 users have gotten windows 8/8.1 to work on the system, so I would think windows 10 would work. Does anyone know if it will work?

7 Technologist


4.4K Posts

July 23rd, 2015 14:00

If you have Windows 7 or Windows 8 on this system, I believe you will be able to do the update to Windows 10. However, we cannot confirm anything until the official release date of Windows 10. Click here to view an article from the Microsoft site that provides more information about this. 

20 Posts

July 23rd, 2015 21:00

 Also, I forgot to ask this, but in terms of the windows 10 update, would it be possible to download the Windows 10 install ISO, burn it to a disc, boot from the disc, and do a clean install of windows 10 instead of updating windows 7?

7 Technologist


4.4K Posts

July 24th, 2015 08:00


I suppose it might be possible but this is something we cannot confirm. We would have to wait until the official release date of Windows 10 to confirm this with Microsoft. 

15 Posts

July 25th, 2015 01:00

Hi Rodrigo,

Do you guys have any official response to this?
Alienware Aurora R3 to work with Windows 10 Free Upgrade?

It's out on 07/29/15!

7 Technologist


4.4K Posts

July 27th, 2015 07:00


The Windows 10 update should be compatible with your system. However, you may have to acquire the system drivers from the original manufacturer or use the Windows 7 drivers which might work fine with Windows 10. This is something you will be able to confirm after doing the update.  

20 Posts

July 29th, 2015 09:00

 So the windows 10 update came out today but I am not sure about installing it because of the issues the R3 had when windows 8 came. There was a bunch of threads about the install locking up the system when install Win8 and you had to follow a bunch of steps to workaround the win8 install issues and once you installed it the system had warm boot issues. Can anyone who installed win8 on the R3 confirm if it works on the system?

Community Manager


54.4K Posts

July 29th, 2015 10:00

Unfortunately, the Aurora-R3 is not supported by Dell with Windows 10. We have no idea what issues you may face. See my sticky at the top of this board, "Windows 10 supported Alienware systems". Also the R3 site states, "Product not tested for Windows 10 upgrade".


20 Posts

July 29th, 2015 11:00

 The reboot issue with windows 8/8.1 appears to be present in windows 10. I read online from people with the same system got around the boot hang by hard rebooting the system and changing the bios to efi:windows boot manager and there's install instructions on how to install windows 8 on the system so would the install instructions for r3 windows 8 work with windows 10?

Community Manager


54.4K Posts

July 29th, 2015 14:00

Unknown. As I said earlier, we never tried it. There may be some customers that have tried it. I will look on the Forum.

1 Message

July 30th, 2015 03:00

So you are telling me that my system wich I bought in 2011 won't be able to update to Win 10? This would be a shame because this means the R3 users won't be able to use DX12.

Community Manager


54.4K Posts

July 30th, 2015 08:00


I understand your frustration, but I can only relate our policy. Some users have successfully installed Windows 10 on non-supported systems using Windows 7/8/8.1 drivers for the components that did not function in Windows 10. Please note, this was done at their own risk and Dell cannot provide support on systems not listed as compatible.

1 Message

July 30th, 2015 18:00

Chris-M -- Dell,

I'm sorry.  I don't buy this Not supported mumbo jumbo.

Alienware Aurora R3 -- Early 2011, Windows 10 Not Supported

Alienware Aurora R4 -- Late 2011, Windows 10 Supported

Now please, the technology can't be that different. Its the same year. What is going on here? We Need help.

3 Posts

July 30th, 2015 21:00

Thats a load of <ADMIN NOTE: Profanity removed as per TOU> and you know it. You guys built the R3s and you can create support needed for these systems. There is no sense in not supporting a product simply because a new version comes out. People pay you guys alot of money for systems to game on only to have you shove it back in their face once you have taken their money and stop supporting their systems. Alienware is suppose to be all about gaming and with DX12 coming out thats one of the best things gaming has going on pc's at the moment but you take it away from a select amount of customers just because they bought their systems the first part of the year vs the later part. <ADMIN NOTE: Profanity removed as per TOU>

20 Posts

July 31st, 2015 11:00

So apparently despite not being supported, people with R3's have gotten windows 10 to work on the systems. Apparently when you are installing windows, upon every restart, shut down at the bios screen with the power button, wait about 10-15 seconds, then power on and the computer will not freeze and will continue the installation. You need to do this until windows 10 is installed, but there is an issue with warm reboot. Another thread says to reinstall Renasas USB 3.0 drivers and the warm reboot will go away.

Also Dell said they don't have resources to test it but I have an extremely hard time believing something stupid as that. It's just an excuse to get people to buy the latest system so you will put up with their greed. That's crooked and  me off that you would do something as inconsiderate as that. Next system I buy won't be a dell because they are too incompetent to support systems a year old then nonsupport it.

568 Posts

August 2nd, 2015 10:00

You can get Aurora onto win 10.

3 things though, babysit the installation, correct the warm restart issues, correct fan problems.


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