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This post is more than 5 years old


December 12th, 2011 10:00

m17x-R2 powerbutton broken

Hi everybody,

Can any1 help me? I've bought an A m17x-R2 and i've broken my powerbutton you can check it in the picture below:

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Any1 have any idea?
Many thanks,

December 13th, 2011 11:00

Isn't there flat cable that is supposed to run from the power button platform to the black plastic plug off to the left?  Do you still have that?

Community Manager


54.4K Posts

December 15th, 2011 11:00

Is the Dell warranty still valid? If yes, just contact Alienware Support and tell them to send you parts WKTJ9 and FD86P. If the warranty is not valid, you will have to order them from Dell Spare Parts, 800-357-3355.

2 Posts

December 17th, 2011 08:00

Thanks alot Chris. BTW do you know Alienware have the customer care at Singapore and can they fix my issue? I'll go and visit them there.

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