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This post is more than 5 years old


January 15th, 2011 02:00

New realtek audio driver (should I uninstall 1st?)

New realtek audio driver (should I uninstall 1st?)

Community Manager


54.5K Posts

January 17th, 2011 09:00

Ok, on your taskbar, what icons are listed? What I am looking for are things that we can right click and disable such as McaFee, Norton, Microsoft  Security Essentials, etc. If we can disable those things, then log into the Downloads site and see if it goes.

40 Posts

January 17th, 2011 13:00

Hi Chris


I'm still trying to find out if Thx software is included with the Alien Ware  systems. I have an Aurora R2.


- In the realtek download notes mentions Thx but I do not see it.

Community Manager


54.5K Posts

January 17th, 2011 15:00

I do not know. Hopefully a user will post whether we installed it from the factory or not. Follow my previous instructions to see if you can get My Dell Downloads working.

46 Posts

January 17th, 2011 22:00

Hi Chris

No luck so far. I disable the firewall, I use microsoft security essentials and disable that also. I wait 15 minutes or so and no luck

what to do ?

thanks, Kim L

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