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This post is more than 5 years old


May 23rd, 2010 10:00

Strange noise during post after overclock


​Recently bought an Alienware Aurora. I went in and did the "Load Level 1 OC" thing in the bios in order to overclock it. Everything seems fine, except that now, every time I turn on the machine, right when it is nearing the end of the post process (the progress bar below the giant alien head gets to about 2/3 mark), a strange little rapid clicking noise emanates from the computer (not from speakers, but from computer itself). It's not a usual motherboard beep that you might here, but more of a very rapid click. It lasts for about 2-3 seconds, then the Loading Windows screen appears and everything runs normally from that point on.​

​Note that if I reboot windows (but don't shut down), it will go through the posting process WITHOUT making any noise. It seems I have only been able to duplicate this noise if I completely shut down the computer, then turn it back on.​

​And again, this noise started occurring immediately after I overclocked in the BIOS by using the automatic process described on this very website (selected the Load Level 1 OC setting, saved changes and exited....I changed nothing else in the BIOS).​

​Any ideas?​

Community Manager


54.5K Posts

May 24th, 2010 07:00

Does the noise continue if you set the OC back to the defaults?

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