4 Posts
May 27th, 2020 03:00
15 R4, battery swollen, bulging
All of a sudden today after 1 year and some month of having the laptop, the body cracked open by the pressure of a defective swollen battery. I think this is dangerous as the slightest damage to the swollen battery can allow oxygen to get into the lithium battery. The plastic cracked due to the pressure which shows the power involved here. I spend some money for this device and have a hard time to understand why Dell uses components or does not do enough quality checks to save the health of their customers. I hope Dell finds a satisfactory way to deal with this issue. Obviously, more customers of Dell have similar cases to report.
swollen battery
4 Posts
June 3rd, 2020 05:00
10 Elder
10 Elder
26.6K Posts
May 27th, 2020 06:00
Remove and dispose of the battery immediately -- it is indeed a safety hazard.
All lithium cells that don't have metal shells (which is what you'll find in most notebooks these days) can swell when they are at the end of their useful lives. It's not Dell-specific - it's just a downside to the technology used.
The swelling doesn't take place overnight - the thing to do at the first sign of it is to replace the battery before it swells enough to damage the system. The first sign is usually a trackpad that becomes difficult to press, or that appears stiff. There's usually ample warning before serious danger arises.
4 Posts
May 27th, 2020 06:00
Thanks for the comment. Also for others who read this, the swelling took place from 0 to 100% within 10 minutes. Dell will have to repair this as its still covered by warranty in Germany I guess. True its not Dell specific, there are galaxies of differences in quality between some Chinese manufacturers and Japanese manufacturers. I do not know which batteries have been used for the Alienware, nor how serious the quality check prior to assembly by Dell is taken.