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1 Rookie


14 Posts


November 15th, 2021 02:00

m17 R1,no Alienware boot screen on startup

I had to replace my battery in my Alienware m17 R1 (warranty expired August 2, 2021). After doing that I start the computer and I don't get the Alienware logo. It just stay black. I have to hold the power button down to shut it down. It can take several tries to get it to come back and start correctly. It is highly frustrating as I had this issue before and after reimaging the computer it was fine. Any help would be appreciated.


1 Rookie


14 Posts

November 15th, 2021 05:00

Update: I also replaced the fans to resolve an issue with one that comes on full on startup that triggers a hardware scan that Dell said should be replaced. It didn't solve the problem and instead now the fan does it every time on startup where it didn't do that before. 


On top of the blank screen unable to boot to the Alienware screen, it will not come back on aftre just closing the lid. How can replacing fans and a battery mess everything up so badly? 

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