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This post is more than 5 years old


May 6th, 2016 07:00

Reuse a filesystem id (fsid)


I'm settting up a new NAS environment with Replication to another VNX. After a few tests with filesystem, I deleted them I created the production filesystem (FS ID=20).

On DR side, I can't use the same ID. Is there a way to reuse it? This setup will use NFS and probably VDM.

So, is there a way to reuse a filesystem id? Thanks in advance!

8.6K Posts

May 7th, 2016 05:00

yes - there's a flag to manually select a fsid when creating a fs

of course it has to be unused

I think if you let replicator auto-create the dst fs it will automatically do this - but that could depend on code level

nas_migrate will do so as well

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