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March 1st, 2013 12:00

Can someone from Dell please help me?

I am sorry to post here but I am getting so frustrated with Dell and the way I am being treated by them. I will try and keep this as brief as possible

On the 14th February I ordered and paid for a nice new Dell machine and had an email from their distributors to say my order would arrive on the 19th between 08:00 and 18:00 and to make sure someone was in during that time as they cannot be more specific about the delivery time.

I arranged for someone, at my expense, to be in - no delivery. I contacted Dell via this website - no reply. The courier arrived at 08:20 the next day. As luck had it there was someone in and took delivery of the machine. I eventually got a reply on the 22nd from Dell to tell me that my order had been delivered on the 20th.

By this time I had discovered that there is a problem with the machine overheating. To cut a very long story short I downloaded CPUID and tried a file transfer from one hard drive to another. The core temperatures rocketed to 100 degress centigrade and the machine shut down after a short time. I emailed the person that had replied to my original issue with all the details. He replied on the 25th telling me to contact your technical team on a number that is not even in use!

I called the technical team, at my own expense, explained the problem and then got cut off. I called again, at my own expense, and explained the problem, again, and got put through to a technician. I then had to explain the problem . . again . . .only to be put on hold for a few minutes while he went off and discussed it with some one else, he actually told me this is what he was doing by the way. Eventually he came back on and told me the heat sink needs to be replaced and he would book an appointment for Wednesday (27th) and can I make sure someone was in.

I arranged for some, guess what - at my expense, to be in on the 27th. I got a call from Dell at 13:30 to tell me no-one will be coming! Apparently there was 'a glitch' with the system and my part had not been ordered, or in other words no-one bothered. By now I am very angry and getting more frustrated by the day so I email the original man to complain, he replies to say it has been passed on to 'higher management'. I ask him for the details of the 'higher management' so that I can pursue the matter - no reply. I re-send my request yesterday - no reply.

I need someone to contact me that is not just going to dismiss my complaint or worse still ignore it please. Again, I apologise for having to post here but I really don't know what else to do and I have already gone to enough expense without ringing more call centres half way across the world just to be cut off.

Community Manager


54.4K Posts

April 11th, 2013 07:00

I see in Fusion 25264236 that David is assisting you and owns the resolution. I am locking this thread. Private message me if you have any questions.

Community Manager


54.4K Posts

March 1st, 2013 19:00


I am only moderating this board for Forum Terms of Use issues. The actual Dell Care Liaisons will not be working post made on Friday until Monday. Open the 2nd ANNOUNCEMENT (When will I get a response?) at the top of this board for more details.

17 Posts

March 5th, 2013 09:00

OK, I am getting really hacked off right now. Last Wednesday (27th) when the Dell engineer didn't show I was told by the person that called me to break the bad news that I would be contacted in two to four working days to re-arrange the visit.

Guess what?

No contact of any description.

I have again asked for a way to contact the 'higher management' that my complaint has been referred to and guess what?

No contact of any description.

It appears, take note I say appears, that no-one at Dell gives a  once they have had your hard-earned money. This is, by an absolute country mile, the worst customer service I have ever encountered. I am sick of trying to contact Dell at my expense, all I want is for someone to deal with this and talk to me, is that too much to ask?

8.8K Posts

March 5th, 2013 11:00


Let's see if we can't get this issue resolved to your satisfaction, OK?

Please follow the instructions below.   You will get an answer to your email you send just be patient.

* Contact one of our Customer Care/Order Support Liaisons via a Private message. Please only message ONE of them -

DELL-Roshan L
DELL-Kiran K
DELL-Lorna M

* Once you have clicked on one of the links, click Start conversation or Send Email. They will need the following information to investigate -

  • Email Address:
  • Name:
  • Shipping Address:
  • Phone Number:
  • Dell Order number or Service Tag number:
  • Issues:

Post back and let me know in a few days how it's going?


3.8K Posts

March 6th, 2013 08:00

Hi Aeylean,

Send me a Private Message. Click on my user name, add me as a friend, and send me your Full Name, Service Tag and Phone Number.

Thank you. 

17 Posts

March 8th, 2013 09:00

So here we are on the 8th March.

The only reply I have had has been from Royan who, after I sent the information he requested, sent me an email to say he had emailed the people who are dealing ( i use the term dealing in the loosest possible sense of the word) with this and would get back to me but I have not heard anything so far.

I rang Dell . . . again . . . at my expense . . . again . . . today and spent 25 minutes explaining the problems to 2 different people in a call cantre half way round the world. I was told that the part that is required for my machine will not be available until the 15th.

I told them this is unacceptable and that they could have built me a machine from scratch and delivered it to me in the time it has taken to date. I asked why no-one had bothered to contact me and got the usual 'Don't know, we do not deal with that from here' routine accompanied by how sorry they were for my inconvenience.

I said that I wanted to make a formal complaint and guess what - i got told 'We do not deal with that here, you will have to write in!' So I have to contact Dell . . again . . . at my expense . . . again . . . to get their problem resolved!!!! The one person I spoke to even had the audacity to start telling me that according to the terms and conditions Dell have 28 days to repair a fault, I almost lost the plot at this point but managed to bite my tongue (the doctors have said they should be able to sew it back on) and point out to him that there was a problem before the machine ever left them and that they should be doing everything possible to resolve this, not quote terms and conditions to me.

I got home today to find an email from another member of the customer service team, which I note from the time it was sent was after I had called them . . again . . (you know the rest). The email told me what I had already found out by having to call them. The email went on to say that the other questions I had raised should have been dealt with by the first customer service person. The problem is that I have emailed this person four times asking questions and have not had a response!

Why do I know that I am not going to be contacted on or around the 15th and why do I just know that I am going to have to contact Dell again to get this part fitted? I work in a customer service type role and if I dealt with complaints in this fashion I would have a riot on my hands and would probably be fired. If you want someone to take charge of your department give me a call.

March 10th, 2013 10:00



I sent you a friend request with my service tag, also explaining what I am trying to do but I have not received a reply from you.  Please accept my friend request so that we may discuss my questions further.  Thank you.

8.8K Posts

March 10th, 2013 14:00



I sent you a friend request with my service tag, also explaining what I am trying to do but I have not received a reply from you.  Please accept my friend request so that we may discuss my questions further.  Thank you.


He maybe busy, you can email the other people that I listed above in  a previous post.


17 Posts

March 18th, 2013 14:00

18th March.

Had an email from another Dell employee on the 12th offering apologies etc.

Responded by asking the person to call me. Got a reply to say ' I’m not able to do so as I mainly provide assistance using Social Media and Email' . . .  convenient.

The Dell employee asked that I update them once the repair was carried out on the 15th.

Arranged for someone to be in on the 15th, at my expense again (shock) to get a missed call from Dell at 11:39, no message was left. I rang the call centre at my expense . . again . . to be told that the part would not be available until the 20th April, no, this is not a typo, it does actually say April !!!!

At this point I think I lost the plot a little and started laughing at the guy on the phone at which point he said he would do all he could to get the part quicker and would call me on Monday (today).  He started to spout Dell's terms and conditions about repairing faults in 30 days at which point I had to stop him before I was tempted to tell him where to stick his terms and conditions. It is now gone 8pm and STILL NO CALL FROM DELL.

I emailed Dell on Friday to advise them of the situation - no reply. I have just emailed them again before posting here.

I bought this machine 32 days ago, it was sent out faulty, I have sent at least 15 emails, phoned an Indian call centre 5 times and posted on here several times and this is still not resolved and no-one from Dell has the courtesy to pick up the phone and call me to discuss what is in essence their problem.

One word - appalling.

Tune in next week to see if there is a happy ending to this horror story from Dell.

8.8K Posts

March 18th, 2013 14:00


I recall your previous post and went back and read it to refresh my memory.

I notice that after I gave you some instructions DELL-Royan S posted that you contact him with your service tag, phone number and your full name.Did you respond to Royan and if so what happened?

I was under the impression since  DELL-Royan S  had posted that he would help you with this issue?


17 Posts

March 19th, 2013 11:00

Yes, I did contact Royan and he emailed me to say he had emailed the team working on my case and would get back to me.

6 days later on the 12th I got another email from Royan apologising for the delay in response and advisinf that someone from Alienware should have contacted me but he 'guessed they did not'. He informed me that he had sent an email to their manager and that I should hear from them soon.

The next day I got an email from someone in the Social Media escalations team who said, and I quote:


'I’m from Social Media escalations team and your case has been escalated to me.

Upon reviewing your case I saw the severity and how long it’s been since the system had issues. What I would like to offer your is an exchange for a brand new system in case it does not get repaired or if you do not receive any onsite support on March 15, 2013.

I would like to sincerely apologize for this poor experience that you’ve had. Hence, these are not just words I’m saying. I’m really deeply sorry for the trouble.

I’ll keep monitoring your case day by day and will watch for your email, and will make sure that you’re are attended accordingly. Hope to hear from you soon.'


I asked the person to call me so we could discuss the issue to which I got a response of:

'As much as I would like to talk to you in regards this, i'm not able to do so as I mainly provide assistance using Social Media and email'

It seems he can no longer provide assistance via social media and email either as I have emailed him twice since Friday with no response.

It now gets worse. I have had a call from someone at Dell today to tell me that they have managed to obtain a part and that someone will be in touch shortly to organise a repair. I told them that this is no longer acceptable as I have been offered a brand new machine and want to take up that option. I was told by the Dell employee that this is not possible and I would have to have the existing machine repaired. I told the person on the phone about the email and he has requested a copy of it which I will send today.

I have run out of adjectives to describe how badly this has been handled and how poor the customer service is that I have (not) received. Considering that I reported the fault 2 days after finally receiving the machine Dell should have bent over backwards to get this resolved, instead I have spent about 10 hours of my own time sending emails, posting here and over an hour to a call centre half way round the world, all at my own expense.

My patience has finally run out. I will be seeking legal advice as how best to proceed if this is not resolved in the next day or two.

8.8K Posts

March 19th, 2013 11:00

OK, what I advise you to do is look back at the list of people that I gave you to contact and pick Lorna and email her.

Refer her to the email and enclose it if possible where a system exchange was offered to you and include any other pertinent info she might be able to use.

Be sure to include all the info in the above post I first wrote and let's see how that goes?

Also include what country you are in.

Keep me apprised.


8.8K Posts

March 20th, 2013 11:00


I'm happy that things appear to be now moving towards a solution and you'll get your system exchange.

Have a great day!!


17 Posts

March 20th, 2013 11:00

Developments appear to be afoot.

I had a call from an engineer today asking if I was available for him to visit and repair the machine, I told him I was at work and was not expecting anyone to visit me. He made me laugh by asking if I had a laptop that needed repairing until I realised he was serious so I told him that it was a desktop I was originally waiting to have repaired, I dread to think what part he would have turned up with had I been available. I put him out of his misery and told him that Dell had agreed to replace the machine completely which obviously suprised him as he said that no-one had told him (looks like Dell treat their employees the same as their customers).

Have got home tonight to find an email from the person that had offered the replacement machine which says that he was on a 'rest day', whatever that is, when he got my email and apologised for not getting back sooner. He goes on to say that he is working with the team in my region for the replacement he has promised me and will update me within 24 hours.

Tune in tomorrow for the next exciting episode.

Wonder if I could sell this to Hollywood . . . .

17 Posts

March 21st, 2013 12:00

I had a phonecall late this afternoon from Dell to tell me that 'a decision would be made in the next 24 hours'.

I find this a little disturbing as I have an email telling me that I would get a brand new machine if mine was not repaired on the 15th. I asked what there was to make a decision on to be told that the person did not know because it had gone to someone 'over his manager'. Why didn't this person call me to discuss it and what possible decision can they be deciding upon that has taken another week? Dell must make millions in profit every year and yet here they are still stalling on whether to honour the replacement machine I have been promised.

I think it is time I called my sister who is a solicitor for some free legal advice.

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