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5 Posts


July 24th, 2018 06:00

Dell Spain, complaint with no reply

I purchased a laptop from Dell Spain and had a multitude of issues resulting in my laptop not working for 8 months from the day of purchase. I had to return the laptop several times for unsuccessful repairs and also spent months trying software fixes suggested by Dell that were ultimately unsuccessful as the root cause was the hardware which was faulty from the very first day I received the laptop. I have now resolved the technical issues. However I am not happy about being without my laptop for 8 months and I want my warranty extended so that I actually have a warranty starting on the day the laptop actually functioned correctly, which was 8 months after the day I purchased it

I was given an email address to write a complaint to 


I wrote an email 1 week ago and have received no reply. Can you tell me how I contact someone to complain and have my warranty corrected?

August 23rd, 2018 04:00

So for anyone who has the same problem....don't bother writing any emails. You have to send a complaint by post. Yes that is right, Dell an I.T. company only accepts complaints sent in writing through the post.....hmmm we can all wonder why!

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