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July 1st, 2018 10:00

Poor customer service

I ordered an all in 1 pc which arrived and worked fine the first day.  The n3xt day it didnt work. I spent an hour and half on the phone at my expense and was told it needed a new hard drive and engineer cam and installed it. It seem to work but the next day there was a different problem  another hour on the phone at my expense. It was not sorted.  My expectation of a resolution where zero.  I rang again and eventually got through and asked for a replacement  this was agreed on Thursday 28th.  No suprise a Replacement will take 7 to 10 days. (When I placed the order it arrived in 4 days). Also no suprise I haven’t heard a thing.  Anybody any suggestions

4 Operator


3.4K Posts

July 3rd, 2018 11:00

Thank you for your message. I apologize for the inconvenience surrounding your new order.


A replacement system at times takes more time than a new order due to multiple approvals that are required for an exchange, specification of the original system need to be matched, part availability.


For my reference, please click on the message tab next to your avatar– click “New Message” & search for my Dell username (Dell-Sreejith R) & send a private message with the service tag/ order #, registered name & email address.


What is a Dell Service Tag and how do I locate it?

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