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July 3rd, 2018 01:00

DDVE Boot error: No such file or directory

Hi all,

I am working on a template for a DataDomain Virtual Appliance for a client to be used on a wmware platform.

the template the have given me doesnt boot correctly, it starts but errors out with the following

Begin to find '/' partition

ls: /sys/block/dm-*/slaves/*da: No such file or directory


it then exits to a command prompt

I am assuming this is an error mounting a drive, and performing 'df' gives the following:

Filesystem     Size          Used     Available     Use%     Mounted On

/dev               498.7M         0        498.7M          0%          /dev

shm               498.7M         0        498.7M          0%          /dev/shm

I can browse to /sys/block but the folder dm-* doesnt exist so either there should be another disk which it can mount or there is a misconfiguration somewhere.

Can anyone shed any light on this at all, my google searches have found very little information to go on so far.


1 Message

April 7th, 2019 14:00


change this in your .vmx file

scsi0.present = "TRUE"
scsi0.virtualDev = "pvscsi"
scsi0:0.fileName = "DD.vmdk"
scsi0:1.fileName = "DD-0.vmdk"
scsi0:2.fileName = "DD-1.vmdk"
#buslogic.noDriver = "FALSE"

It's working for me ;)



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