1 Rookie
10 Posts
October 27th, 2022 18:00
Odd Error in deploying a template using OME
Error in deploying a template in open dell manage enterprise.
We have a template that we have deployed to other servers - but this one server generates the following error and I haven't manage to find any reason on what is causing it.
Deploying profile
Added all secure attributes for deployment.
# ERROR : Device does not support update via Https share. The operation cannot continue.
Deploy failed.
Task Failed. Completed With Errors.
No Events found!
DELL-Erman O
2.7K Posts
October 28th, 2022 02:00
Hello, please take a look at the topic below and ensure nothing missing from it.
reference link pg97 https://dl.dell.com/content/manual56903993-dell-emc-openmanage-enterprise-3-9-user-s-guide.pdf?language=en-us&ps=true
Deploy device deployment templates
You can deploy a deployment template that includes a set of configuration attributes to specific devices. Deploying a device deployment template on the devices ensures that the devices are uniformly configured.
About this task
Hope that helps!
1 Rookie
1 Rookie
10 Posts
October 28th, 2022 07:00
Not sure this would apply - I have full rights in OMe and I am able to successfully deploy the template to other servers. I should note we are building out a batch of 8 servers that were all ordered in the same time. All 750s and all identical. So far other have not been an issue - just this particular one has been problematic with the same error " Device does not support update via Https share.".
It verifies that the system tag is valid - no issues there
DELL-Chris H
9.1K Posts
October 28th, 2022 08:00
What I would suggest you start with is to reboot the iDrac, as that may end up resolving it. Now without logs we are limited on our ability to isolate the issue, so it may be easier for you to call in to the OpenManage group to have the logs reviewed. As far as the issue it could be one or more of several possibilities, such as a possible inventory issue, or if that system is in it's own network and the rest are not with it, it may be a bi-directional HTTPS issue.
So out of all of those my thought would be to start with rebooting the idrac and then decide what you would like to do.
Let me know if this helps.
1 Rookie
1 Rookie
10 Posts
October 28th, 2022 09:00
Thanks - we did try a reboot already. A colleague of mine opened an SR so will see how that goes. Thanks.
1 Rookie
1 Rookie
15 Posts
June 11th, 2024 08:25
Hello, I've got a similiar issue with a MX740c. Did you get a solution from Dell?
best regards