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1 Rookie


10 Posts


October 27th, 2022 18:00

Odd Error in deploying a template using OME

Error in deploying a template in open dell manage enterprise.


We have a template that we have deployed to other servers - but this one server generates the following error and I haven't manage to find any reason on what is causing it. 

Deploying profile
Added all secure attributes for deployment.
# ERROR : Device does not support update via Https share. The operation cannot continue.
Deploy failed.
Task Failed. Completed With Errors.



2.7K Posts

October 28th, 2022 02:00

Hello, please take a look at the topic below and ensure nothing missing from it.

reference link pg97

Deploy device deployment templates

You can deploy a deployment template that includes a set of configuration attributes to specific devices. Deploying a device deployment template on the devices ensures that the devices are uniformly configured.


  • To perform any tasks on OpenManage Enterprise, you must have necessary role-based user privileges and scope-based operational access to the devices. See Role and scope-based access control in OpenManage Enterprise.
  • If a device manager is deploying templates, then only the target group(s) and devices that are in that device manager's scope and which are capable of deployment are displayed.
  • After submitting this job for execution the console will first try and verify the service tag of the intended target to ensure the operation is performed on the correct system. If the verification fails the job will complete with errors, and the task execution history detail will show the following:
    Verifying if the device Service Tag is valid.
    The device Service Tag could not be verified.
    Task Failed. Completed With Errors.
    Please check the system to ensure the IP address has not changed since the last discovery was completed. Remediate by discovering the system with the updated IP address, and retrying the operation.
Before you begin deploying a device deployment template, ensure that:

About this task

  • iDRAC operator users cannot deploy user attributes to the target. Only iDRAC users with admin privileges can deploy all the user attributes. This limitation is from iDRAC.
  • During deployment of an MX7000 chassis template:
    • The target device can only be the lead MX7000 chassis.
    • If an MX7000 chassis is removed from group, it has to be rediscovered in OpenManage Enterprise.
    • Users on the MX7000 chassis are replaced by the users who are configured in the template.
    • Imported Active Directory settings are replaced with the values in chassis profile.
CAUTION Ensure that only the appropriate devices are selected for deployment. After deploying a deployment template on a repurpose and bare-metal device, it might not be possible to revert the device to its original configuration.


  1. From the list of deployment templates on the Configuration > Templates page, select the check box corresponding to the deployment template you want to deploy, and then click Deploy Template.
  2. In the Deploy Template:  dialog box, under  Target:
    1. Click Select, and then select device(s) in the Job Target dialog box. See Selecting target devices and device groups.
    2. During deployment of the device deployment template, the configuration changes might require a forceful reboot of the server. If you do not wish to reboot the server, select the Do not forcefully reboot the host OS option.
      A graceful reboot of the server is attempted when the Do not forcefully reboot the host OS option is selected. If the reboot fails, you must rerun the template deployment task.
    3. Select the Use strict checking check box to match the VLANs with like characteristics. If unselected, only VLAN name and QoS are used for matching
      NOTE This option is displayed only if the selected target devices are modular system sleds.
    4. Click Next.
  3. If the target device is a server, in the Boot to Network ISO section:
    1. Select the Boot to Network ISO check box.
    2. Select either CIFS or NFS as the share type, and then enter information in the fields such as ISO image file path and share location where the ISO image file is stored. Use the tool tips to enter the correct syntax.
    3. Select the Time to Attach ISO dropdown menu options to set the number of hours the network ISO file will remain mapped to the target device(s). By default, this value is set as four hours.
    4. Click Next.
  4. In the iDRAC Management IP section, change the target device IP settings if required, and then click Next.
    • Template deployment fails if DHCP settings are assigned during template deployment to a target device that was originally discovered using a static IP.
    • If the IP setting is not configured on the discovered MX7000 sled, the Boot to Network ISO operation is not run during the template deployment.
  5. In the Target Attributes section, the non-virtual identity attributes specific to each of the selected target devices, such as the location attributes and IP address, can be changed before deploying the deployment template. When the template is deployed, these changed target attributes are implemented on only the specific devices. To change the device-specific, non-virtual identity attributes:
    1. Select a target device from the list displaying the previously-selected target devices.
    2. Expand the attribute categories and then select or clear the attributes that must be included or excluded during template deployment on the target device.
    3. Click Next.
  6. In the Virtual Identities section, click Reserve identities.
    The assigned virtual identities of the NIC cards of the selected target device are displayed. To view all the assigned identities of the identity pool of the selected target device, click View all NIC details.
    NOTE If identities are already assigned outside of the appliance, then a new deployment will not use those identities unless they are cleared. For more information, see  Identity pools
  7. In the Schedule section, run the job immediately or schedule for a later time. See Schedule job field definitions.
  8. Click Finish. Review the warning message and click YES.
    A Device Configuration job is created. See  Using jobs for device control.


Hope that helps!

1 Rookie


10 Posts

October 28th, 2022 07:00

Not sure this would apply - I have full rights in OMe and I am able to successfully deploy the template to other servers. I should note we are building out a batch of 8 servers that were all ordered in the same time. All 750s and all identical. So far other have not been an issue - just this particular one has been problematic with the same error " Device does not support update via Https share.". 


It verifies that the system tag is valid - no issues there





9.1K Posts

October 28th, 2022 08:00



What I would suggest you start with is to reboot the iDrac, as that may end up resolving it. Now without logs we are limited on our ability to isolate the issue, so it may be easier for you to call in to the OpenManage group to have the logs reviewed. As far as the issue it could be one or more of several possibilities, such as  a possible inventory issue, or if that system is in it's own network and the rest are not with it, it may be a bi-directional HTTPS issue.

So out of all of those my thought would be to start with rebooting the idrac and then decide what you would like to do.


Let me know if this helps.


1 Rookie


10 Posts

October 28th, 2022 09:00

Thanks - we did try a reboot already. A colleague of mine opened an SR so will see how that goes. Thanks.

1 Rookie


15 Posts

June 11th, 2024 08:25

Hello, I've got a similiar issue with a MX740c. Did you get a solution from Dell?

best regards

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